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Destined For Greatness


Worship over Worry

08/27/2012 22:21

Worshiping over worrying


The difference between a person who worships and one who worries is evident in their conversation. The bible says that God created us for worship. We were created to bring praise to the creator. He created the rocks, trees, birds, exec to worship Him.   When those of us who choose to be worshipers over worriers are doing just that things are so much more peaceful, and contentment is the state of mind that you can remain in.


On the contrary those who choose to worry and not praise tend to have lives filled with doubt, fear, frustration, and disappointment. When we choose to worry we look at the problem over the one who can solve them. We magnify the problem not the one that can bring answers. When we worry there is no room for faith because they are contrary to one another.

The old saying is if you’re going to worry then don’t pray and if you are going to pray then don’t worry.  

 I choose in life to worship over complaining!  I choose to look at things with an optimistic outlook! I choose to view life’s cup as half full! I choose to fill my mouth with praise and speak blessing over curses! I choose to allow my words to be like honey to a bee! I encourage you to do the same thing. This will add days to your life, bring peace to your soul, and grace to those who are around you.

Let the words of David lead you from the book of Psalms 91,100,150 these are all great chapters to read.



 Make your words count!

Be a blessing to God as well as others when you speak!

Let God’s peace rule you and your confession keep you!   




God bless you, have a good one.