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Destined For Greatness


When God allows something to be taken from us He never leaves us with less!

04/20/2016 20:58

When God allows something to be taken from us He never leaves us with less!


 So I wanted to encourage my blog readers today in this area of life. I always write based on conversations, interactions with people, or even thoughts that come to my mind throughout the day or week before I blog typically. This particular subject is also written behind one of these examples. I was talking to a really good childhood friend yesterday whom I had not spoken with in about 3 years. So while catching up he said to me that God said to him that when he takes something from him that He never leaves him with less! So when I heard this it stuck with me and I really wanted to elaborate on this subject. So biblically speaking I don’t feel like God takes from us because scriptures disagrees with this statement. I understand that


God allows loss to happen, but not that he takes from us to show us how much more He can give us. In addition I do believe and this is why I strategically titled this blog the way that I did is that Satan is the one who takes from us. In many cases I have heard people quote Job when it said the Lord gives and the Lord takes away! What we have to be really careful with is blaming God for things he simply does not do. For example I was talking to a young person this week who experienced the loss of a person they had known only for a short time. And while we were talking they said God took their friend for a reason and I quickly corrected him by saying god does not take people away violently or at all for that reason. So they quickly replied ok well heaven has another angel! So when this was said I also very quickly said that is another incorrect statement kinda like; “cleanliness is next to godliness!” I told them that that is simply not true if God wanted us to be angels he would have never created humans. My point with this is we have been conditioned as humans to place blame simply because we are ignorant and somehow God always gets the blame, and is the bad guy when tragedy strikes. At this juncture let me be very clear when I say I will never truly understand how life is at times nor do I claim to be an expert on life. What I have learned is what God has revealed through life and many other vessels to be true. I have been in situations in my life where jobs, my home, and many other material things have been taken very unjustly but  not once did I blame God for such loss because I know that evil is always at work.   There is no way that the god who said He shall supply all my needs according to His riches and glory (Philippians 4:19) gets anything out of taking from us. This is who God is!

 So when it comes to understanding that God will never allow something to be taken from us without Him making sure we have more after the fact then what was taken from us is the real truth. There are many scriptures to support the fact that God is not just looking for an opportunity to take from us to show us how good He is after the fact. The bible says that the blessing of the Lord makes us rich and adds no sorrow to it (proverbs 10:22).  The bible also says that the gifts and calling of God are without repentance (Romans 11:29). The bible also says That God knows what we have need of (Matthew 6:8). Finally the word of God promises us that whatever is taken from us by a thief when he is caught he has to return it to us 7 fold (Proverbs 6:31).  So I can go on and on with verses in scripture that tell us how much god wants us to be taken care of so this notion that He takes from us is counterintuitive to His character. True enough whenever something is taken from us God will make sure that we are well compensated for such a loss. I can truly say this from my own personal experiences and I am also one who can rightly divide the word (2 Timothy 2:15). I understand how this life works and can be and are able to keep it all in perspective. By no means am I trivializing anyone individuals situation but simply are attempting to bring biblical clarity.


 So if I were to leave you the reader with anything to think about when it comes to God allowing certain things to happen to us remember that god is for us always! He is never here to take from us to make a point. He is not here to give us some crazy disease so we can be at a point in life to believe for healing. The plain, painful at times, and simple truth is that this world is evil and  I personally will never understand why things are the way that they are at times but I do know that the bible says that evil prevails when good men do nothing so I will not be the good man who does nothing.  However, I will be the encouraging person who says to people that our God is a good God and the best Father there is and will never leave us nor forsake us in any way, shape, fashion , or form. You best believe that if something is allow to be taken from us my God and I say this in complete confidence will make sure we get it back 100 fold! Plainly put we will get back what has been taken from us and even more. The key for us is to know what it is we can take from this type of situation if and whenever it does occur.                   


 As always have an amazing Day!