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Destined For Greatness


What you hear is not always what you see manifested!

05/16/2016 22:57

What you hear is not always what you see manifested!

A few blogs back I spoke on a prophetic voice and the need for those of us who are Gods spokesman to rise up. I want to talk a little bit about the prophetic as a whole and how it is at times.   I was just reminded in a sermon that the way God speaks to us is not always the way things will be. In addition to this when He speaks to us it is not always in our time frame. God is so creative in what He does and always has done that we take just a little longer catching up to Him. We may hear something one way but when it manifests it is completely different. The coolest part of it all is that no matter what is said or when it happens it is always for our good and will be for Gods glory overall.


Just this past week I was led to open up a box of old prophecies that I have received over the years. As I was listening to tapes I ran across a tape (yes I did say tape) and I am now aging myself lol… In this particular prophecy it said; “that I would be one who would be very patriotic and stand up for this country!”  This was prophesied over me in 1995 and when I heard this statement this past week I immediately thought to myself what!?!? With the state of this country today, the history of this country, and what was brought to the light in my many years of study no way jack! However, what was brought to my attention by someone I speak to regularly about prophetic things was that in my attempt to bring light to all of the issues concerning this country I am doing just that. Whether it be racism, the state of the church, politics, or many other issues I am led to bring up that are very controversial that it is a part of Gods will for me to be one who can defend this country.      


Now this may not reach everyone who reads this blog but for those that it does just know that we cannot nor will we ever be able to figure out what God may be saying to us prophetically. It is clear in the bible that His ways are not our ways and His thoughts are not our thoughts (Isaiah 55:8). So when it comes to things coming to pass as we think they should it may be just a tad bit different then we may think. Even the timing can be totally different. The bible also says that 1 day is as of 1000 years to God (2 Peter 3:8) so we must be clear on expecting certain things to come a certain way when it comes to words of the Lord.  



The main reason for this blog is to encourage all believers in that if God has promised you something you can take it to the bank because it will come to pass. We just have to remember that it is all in Gods timing and ultimately in His hands. Our job is to trust Him (Proverbs 3:5-6) and take Him at His word. A delay is not a denial, a setback is typically a set up, and something not received is not Gods best or His promise for us! This is very hard for those of us who lack patience, are having trouble trusting, and those who have been disappointed in life as we then take on the role of a victim, but remember we are not victims but we are victorious in God.      

The bible tells us to occupy until He comes (-Luke 19:11-13) and we are to always remain focused on what we are called to do no matter what. The bible says that immediately the enemy (satan) comes to steal the word from us (Matthew 4:15) and we must be aware of this at all times. Finally we cannot give up so easily if things don’t come out the way we think they should or are not happening fast enough for us because the bible promises us trouble (John 16:33).

So if I were to encourage you the reader to think or meditate on anything from this blog it would be to never loose faith or site of the goal, plan, and purpose for your lives. Finally remember that the promises of God are yes and amen (2 Corinthians 1:20)!

As always have and amazing day!