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Truth vs. Fact

08/27/2012 20:27

True vs. Fact


What does this really mean? In life we are bum bared with facts and or factual information. This series of information typically contradicts the truth of Gods words and His promises. For example when a person is diagnosed with some type of illness or disorder it is factual information that they have been given the truth is that for every report that is factual Jesus bore a strip for it (Isaiah 53:3-5, Matthew 8:17, 1Peter 2:24, 3John 2).


 Not only is this true for healing but for finances as well. For every person who has had an attack on their finances, or simply has not been responsible for their finances it is fact that bad budgeting will result in debt. However truth is that for every seed you sew there is a promise for return (Malachi 3:8-10, Luke 6:38, Galatians 6:7).  

To live in truth is to understand that God is truth, and there are no lies in Him. To walk n truth is to believe that what you have read in the scriptures is truth and can be proven through our lives. To activate this type of understand, and walk in this is to truly live by faith.

There is nothing wrong with facts, however we as believers are not driven nor should we live by facts.

Truth is that God promises for His people are yes and amen (2 Corinthians 1:20).

Truth is that God wants nothing but the best for His people (Ephesians 3:20-21).


God bless you and have a great day!