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Destined For Greatness


Trust Again

10/15/2012 19:32

Proverbs 3;

5 Lean on, trust in, and be confident in the Lord with all your heart and mind and do not rely on your own insight or understanding.

6 In all your ways know, recognize, and acknowledge Him, and He will direct and make straight and plain your paths.


One of the hardest things to do in this life is trust. Trust is a precious thing that we all have. Trust is something that can be hard to gain but easily broken. When we were children there was a level of trust that we had for a number of individuals like; parents, teachers, family members, pastors, mentors, and so on. This trust typically is there until it is broken. For some of us we have had people break that trust. I have been in a place where I have broken trust with people and I felt horrible about it. The reason I am talking about this subject is because so many people live a life full of distrust. I for one want to help people get healed from this. Unfortunately God gets a bum rap because we as humans take our earthly experiences and carry them over into our spiritual lives. So if I was a person who was raised without a father which I was then we carry that over into our relationship with God. God becomes the one who abandoned us, betrayed us, rejected us, and left us to be raised with one parent. All of these thigs are blamed on God. We also carry these feelings over into our horizontal relationships as well. Whether it be boyfriend/girlfriend  or those who could be considered life time friends we won’t give them a chance because it could result in our being hurt. |we will not allow ourselves to be vulnerable because there is a chance that we may get hurt again. This is the same mentatlity for those of us who have been hurt in any kind of relationship.

I say today is the last day that we let our being hurt stop us from trusting again. I say remember that God is a good God and has not let us down at all. When you have tried everything else ( drugs, alcohol, suicide, illicit relationships, promiscuity, exc…) try God. His love never fails. He is one you can trust in. he is one whom you can rely on.

The trust begins now!  Today not tomorrow! Let’s go so we can be healed and move on.


A prayer ; Father in Jesus name I pray for helaing over all thoe who will read this blog who have been hurt. I pray that you will allow them to trust again. Go into the deepest parts of their hearts and heal all that hurts them Father. I pray that they can learn to turst again and move forward from this don on in Jesus name.  Amen!    

God bless you all and have a great life.