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Destined For Greatness


Thrive Not Simply Survive

09/20/2012 17:01

Thrive Not Simply Survive


As always when I write I typically write out my own experiences and this topic is another one of those topics that arose out of a conversation with someone.  When you think of these two words what comes to mind? To survive means to barely make it. While thrive means to be at a continual progression. I strongly believe that we were not created to struggle and just get by. Now with that being said let me bring some clarity by saying we must be responsible in all of our actions. We cannot live indiscriminately or irresponsibly and expect to thrive like God intended.  The bible is very clear in many passages that our success is obtained when we truly understand Gods plan for prosperity. The number one way to thrive is to be grounded in God’s word. Another way is to understand God’s principles when it comes to giving. Another is to know what His promises for His people. To survive is not God’s perfect plan for us but so many of us are living in just that.

My advice for all of us who are not living this way is to change what you are doing and saying. To go somewhere you never have you must do something you have never done. What are you speaking into your life and situations? “You are only as good as your last confession!” What are you doing differently than you have always done? “Insanity is doing the same thing expecting different results!”  Who do you keep around you and what are they doing? You are as good as the company you keep.


Began to change your thinking by changing what you allow to go into your mind!

Began to speak those things that you would like to see yourself doing not what you are currently experiencing!

Do not hesitate to look at those that you keep around you; People can make or break you! You have people who are undercover hatters who really don’t want to see you do well but we keep them around. You have people who are just along for the ride but when times get tough they disappear. You also have people who are not for you at all; and whenever they get a chance you are the topic of their gossip with someone else. Remember that if people will talk about someone to you then you are the topic of their conversation with someone else.  DROP THESE PEOPLE LIKE A BAD HABBIT BECAUSE THEY ARE!


I will leave you with this to think about. If we can change the way we are living and follow Gods principles there’s no limit to what we can do. Now for some of us we have a ways to go but at least give it a try. Began  to give to those things close to you charities, churches, homeless ministries, missionaries, non profits organizations, and any other cause that will stretch you to think about others. Began to believe God for being debt free and move towards it. The only place in the bible where God said to test Him was in the area of Giving. I have tried it and it works!

Finally ask God for wisdom when it comes to your financial decisions. I would never advise someone to give because they feel guilty or pressured to do so.  Remember that God’s hands are moved by faith not by emotion!


Verses to reference

Joshua 1:7-8

Proverbs 8:18

Ecclesiastes 10:19

Malachi 3:8-10

Luke 6:38

3 John 2


Proverbs 6:17-19, 18:21

Romans 4:17

Ephesians 4:29

Jude 8-10


Psalms 1:1-4, 119:115

Proverbs 3:5-6, 13:20, 14:7, 22:24-25

1 Corinthians 5:11-13, 13:5, 15:33

 1 John 4:1

God bless you all, and remember that we are to thrive and not just simply survive.