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Destined For Greatness


The truth will prevail

08/17/2012 15:58

The truth will prevail!


What’s on my mind today!


So for the last couple of weeks I have encountered people who will not be completely honest. This really puzzles me because I have always been taught to be honest especially as an adult. Sure enough the bible says that we are to be in this world but not of it (John 15:19) and I forget this sometimes. People who will not be honest, people who will not talk directly to our face, and people who choose to lie over being confrontational are all in the same category to me.

The bible says that Jesus is truth and light and light will always expose darkness. People in this world are not carriers of light and they don’t understand that darkness will always be exposed by light.

My encouragement for everyone is to always strive to live, be, and seek truth. (Matthew 6:33, John 8:32)

Finally don’t be moved by anything you see, hear, and feel (Hebrews 13:8) this world is not our permanent place and we can’t act like it is (Romans 12:2). The bible say to store up your treasures in heaven (Matthew 6:20) and this is what we must do.   

That’s what’s on my mind today!


God bless ya, D