Making a difference for all mankind by changing lives one person at a time!

Destined For Greatness


The Great Divide!

10/29/2016 14:46

The great divide!

 Greeting once again readers,


I titled this blog the great divide because I really feel like this is where we are as a country today in 2016. We are in one of the craziest places as it pertains to almost every situation, topic, experiences, and so on. If you were to sit down and tried to have a conversation with someone that’s if you can even have a face to face in the tech generation it would be a debate most likely. Because we have become a society based in social media we don’t take advantage of real and personal contact. People hide behind a post or a tweet. We let the whole world into our lives by social media. We are cowards in many cases because we say things behind a post that we in most cases would not say to an individual to their face, and this is a huge problem. Even as it pertains to the news broadcast which are filled with misinformation in most cases we allow them to dictate how we think, and live. We do this without realizing that one; it’s a ratings game and two; negativity sells. This is how we are living today. The thing I think is the most intriguing is that with all this technology and insight to information we choose to remain ignorant. On top of this we have everything at our finger tips, and those of us who are conscious have done our research and studies. Yet when our history and other information that can now be challenged are, they are quickly written off or dismissed.  We today tend to avoid anything that would be considered confrontational. We want to be Pc so we avoid certain topics, yet in the very small windows of dialog we cannot agree to disagree.  


            The definition of divide is as follows;      


Disagree or cause to disagree. A wide divergence between two groups, typically producing tension or hostility.

"there was still a profound cultural divide between the parties"


              So looking at these definitions I wanted to express how they really describe our society today.  We are divided when it comes to religion, culture, race, politics, and so many other topics. What is cool about healthy dialog is that a mature conversation can end in disagreement. However, what I am talking about is much greater that agreeing to disagree. When I say divide it like on matters like should America care about health care for all in its country? Should be allow immigrants into our country who are in hostile and warring countries? Should politics dictate personal choice? Should same sex couples be married or should it be called a civil union?  Should Africans in this country be paid reparations for the horrible treatment in this country? Should policemen be charged for murder caught on video and falsifying their account of the matter? Should good cops tell on bad cops? These are just a few of many questions that could be asked that would produce a plethora of divided responses. If we look at our current political situation and how crazy it is for example; we see much division. We have two different people, styles, techniques, communication styles, and positions, and yet instead of us agreeing to disagree it has provoked a huge divide. Most of this could be resolved by individuals doing their own research, study, soul searching and facing truth. Division can only occur when people refuse to meet in the middle. Toa certain extent this does not mean one goes against what he/she believes or compromises their moral stand.  This simply means that maturity leads the conversation and directs the action. When we can do this we would and could be much better off than we are today.


            As a side note those of us who have a relationship with our Creator should never negate the opportunity to seek Him for guidance as it will never leave us without direction.

            So as I do in all my blogs where I challenge the reader I will leave you with these thoughts. To be divided with someone or over something is truly a choice. I daily make decision to either move in or out of relationships based on my beliefs or personal stands. More than likely if I move away it is because the divide is one that could not be met in the middle. However, if /when this happens I don’t have any harsh feeling about the separation. Now in a very few limited situations the absolute wrong thing to do to me personally is to tell me not to speak my opinion, or use my voice. I have and will cut you off completely is you do this to me. The main reason is because you are saying to me that you don’t care about my voice and I simply will not tolerate that.  I may not agree with someone but I will never tell them to not have a voice. So I would encourage you as the reader to always be willing to hear someone out even if you don’t agree with them; there is always something you can learn while listening.  Secondly; walk this walk of life being willing to learn something that you may not know or have clarity on. Division also comes with a lack of information or knowledge. Third; Division is also a form of disunity and if you strive to be unified with others then your ability to find resolve in different situations increases. Finally agreeing to disagree is huge when it comes to having mature discourse and if you go through life with this mindset then you will never truly be a divided person. The best thing that can be taken away from conversations that are left at agree to disagree points is an opportunity to think over what was discussed for further enlightenment. I live by the verse that says; “A house divided against itself cannot stand”, so I strive and I encourage you to strive to find that place of unity in this life. We only have one life to live, and time waits on no man. So make the most of the time you do have!

Have a great day!