Making a difference for all mankind by changing lives one person at a time!

Destined For Greatness


Thanksgiving 2012

11/21/2012 13:28



It’s all good but can I be this way all year around?

What does this mean to us today? What is the history of this holiday? Did it really come from people who were so thankful to God for what they had? Or is it just a time to eat well, hang out with family and keep God out of it? How many people really know today that this holiday was based on the thankfulness of the pilgrims to God for what they had at that time? Just like everything else in this country truly founded on biblical principals we are soon forgetting God. It is not taught in school anymore. It‘s not taught in homes much more and it really becomes another holiday that is missing the main component and that is God. So this year when you are hanging out with family, eating great food, and reflecting on why you are thankful. Remember if not for God where would we be? Remember thatif not for God our ability to be grateful all year around could not be possible. So create a new tradition this year and make it a point to keep God in our Holidays (Holi- day=holyday) FYI. It’s kind of hard to keep God out of it anyway. In a time when the country is somewhat divided and lacking true charisma let’s remember what made this country so great, and that is when we acknowledged God in all that we do and say. 2 Chronicles 7:14 is the best way to express this thankfulness.

Take a minute to answer the questions I posed earlier. Take the challenge to create new traditions that revolve around God and not the other way around. Keep God first and I guarantee you that He will keep you first.   


Have a great Thanksgiving and don’t forget to be thankful all year around.


God bless you all