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Destined For Greatness


Stop telling me to vote according to my faith!

03/17/2016 14:34

Stop telling me to vote according to my faith!

I was led as I am always to write about this topic. Now this may be shocking to those who are uninformed so read at your own risk. I am so sick of hearing people who are “Christians” say things like vote according to your faith. What does this even mean? How do I go about doing this? I am welcoming all responses to these questions before I continue.  So first off if I am speaking to “Christians” I do believe we are commanded in the word to be wise as a serpent yet harmless as a dove (Matthew 10:16) and if so, I am living wisely if I heed the words spoken to me. Second if we are voting according to our faith then we should not vote at all because simple discernment tells us that most candidates are telling us whatever they think we want to hear until they get into office. It never ceases to amaze me how uninformed we can be in this world as a whole. If we are to really look at what this world is becoming we will realize that we are more and more becoming a Godless centered nation and or world. The interesting part about this statement is that it is written in the word that this time will come. So if we look at where we stand as a nation and what we should do as people with a certain level of responsibility to this country is to not vote a certain way more than understand that God is sovereign, has providence, and is truly in control! He commands us to pray for our leaders and this is what is commanded of us to do. He knows exactly who is in office and who will be in office and so with this we can debate, argue, or even turn our ears away from the real truth of what exists in our world or we can do as we are commanded and trust God to do the rest.


So I am sure that some reading especially those who are religious and judgmental are saying so I guess he is saying to vote for evil people to be in office? Or I am not willing to judge the world like I should and call sin, sin! Or even that I am just one of those people who want the feel good gospel to be spread around and that is why I am not willing to vote “according to my faith!” Personally I think that is one of the craziest things to say to a person of faith because I will never put my faith in a human being first off, and secondly that is not what God told us to do. We are humans that live on this earth that face issues daily that are all different. Now for those naive people who are in church daily and not to influential on the world you may think that our world has it all together and we are not facing major issues today in 2016. The real reality is that we are living in a very mean an evil world that is full of hate, bias, racism, and deception. If you don’t see nor understand this then I am not sure what to say to this. Most people who do vote do so according to what they feel is going to help them the most as a person living in this very real country full of hidden agendas, corruption, deception, manipulations, and lies. The bible commands us to be wise and for many we simply are not doing this. There is a huge division in this country that is being driven by racist people with their own agendas to take us back to a very unpleasant time in this country. If this is not clear to those who claim to be “Christians” once again I don’t know what to tell you. 


I remember having a conversation about abortion and a women’s right to choose. Many people were shocked at my response and it simply was that a women should have the right to choose! I still stand on this statement simply because God Himself will never force us to serve Him however, ignorant, uninformed people in the name of Jesus will try to force morality on someone who is not moral. I had another conversation about marijuana and its legalization and my stand was go ahead because once it is legal the thrill of the chase will die because it is easy to get not something that is being held back. Now here is some clarity to this thought on week use; it is not my job to judge what a person does but love them regardless, secondly some people who do smoke it have disorders that are so painful like bone disorders that they are rendered helpless until they smoke weed so who am I to tell them; oh well be in pain!” I used this example because I ran into this issue once and it really made me think about what I was doing to people with my own “moral conviction?” What I had to realize is that I was placing judgement on them based on what I thought but not having any clue what they were going through and really did not care. So what I am saying is this, as a person of faith God has never told us to do anything other than to love others as ourselves. This is the only commandment in the New Testament. Boy if we could do this then this world would be a lot further along.


I guess what I am trying to communicate about this whole vote according to your faith malarkey is that we should never put our faith in any worldly system as if simply will fail us every time. The idea that we should put our trust in people who are fallible and human is preposterous. We in this country have had many things done in the name of faith that has simply misrepresented god and we can’t or should I say we shouldn’t continue down this path.


So if I were to leave anyone with any advice in this blog it would be to vote after you pray and see where you are led. If you are a person not of religious influence then my advice would be to vote according to what you feel is best for you as a human being in this country. When you do this it makes life acceptable for you and you have to live with that conscious decision. To the millennials reading this blog stop telling yourself that your vote doesn’t matter because it does. Finally for those black folks reading who think the same thing I encourage you to take a look at your country’s history and see what happened to your ancestors who were beaten, murdered, and ridiculed so that we could have this right today. What’s sad is that most people don’t even realize that minorities and women’s right to vote is not even something that is a law. It is voted on every 25 years and if any of you reading did not know this then you REALLY should check out your country’s history to see what is recorded. Lastly you should see the recent changes to the voters rights act and how it was gutted to once again take us back to post civil rights times. Unfortunately this was passed by a republican led house and senate and their actions have not been in the best interest of minorities at all. I say this to all races that in the information age there is really no excuse to be uninformed or unaware of your country’s past. Last to the person who doesn’t care at all then you really can’t complain about what you tolerate.


As always have a great day!

