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Destined For Greatness


Stick to the basics

11/03/2012 21:40

Back to the basics


So this week I had the opportunity to talk to a few people and I was truly amazed at what I heard. I often write out of experience and this time is no different. As a man of God who strives daily to be the best example of God I can be, I am being reminded by god to stick to what I know. The basics are never bad to keep. Like anything the foundational things you learn establish you from the foundation up. This is true with the things of God as well. I am saddened by the lack of enthusiasm of the body of Christ to greater works than Jesus because of the amount of us today there is to do this great work. We have moved so far from the basics. Foundational things that sustain us are not being taught, encouraged, neither applied. I have seen God presented in such a complicated and complex manner. This is not the way God wants things to be. As you read this I encourage you to remain focused and never leave the things that work. If it is not broke don’t try to fix it.

I will speak to those who have been hurt by the religious community now…   

  1. Remember that man is not God so when they misrepresent Him don’t blame God for it!
  2. Our lives are very important to God and He only wants the best for us!
  3. Never put a man on the same level as God He is God all by Himself and will not fail you!
  4. Remember that God created us for relationship with Him so make that relationship the number one in your life!
  5. Keep your eyes and attention on the vertical relationship you have with God it is the one constant in your life.

Do not walk away from the basics. If there is no foundation in your life then create one to stick to. Finally make it priority to keep God first so that you can have a constant in your life. Once you establish this don’t deviate from this.



God bless you all.