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Destined For Greatness


Stand in your own truth!

11/29/2015 22:03

Stand in your own truth!

 As usual I am writing on things that I tend to meditate on and think about very carefully before I place them into print. So as it pertains to the subject of truth and what that means to anyone who is willing to address what truth is to them I thought I would encourage the reader to take a closer look. Today more than ever we are faced on a daily basis with the ideals and opinions of people from so many different platforms. For the youth today social media is the main driving force to what they say and how they act. For the rest of us we are also affected in one way or the other about things we say and how we act as well. To stand in truth today is very hard as society is cool with us not being truthful all the time. We diminish lies to white lies or jokes, we walk in a lack of integrity if it means we will gain any type of popularity. We will sell the next person out if it means we will advance in any way. If anyone out there is a believer or have a certain level of conviction we will hide what we believe if it’s not the most popular thing to do. If we lack confidence in who we are as a person then we will sell ourselves short just to fit in without making that stand to stand in our own truth. We have to change this mindset and attitude.


            So as it relates to standing in your truth one must make a solid decision to stand even if it doesn’t look like the thing to do. Truth is relevant to us as individuals and no one can really tell you what your truth is. We as unique persons decide what that looks like and/or what that is. One who walks in their truth must in many cases walk alone in such truth. It doesn’t matter what that is; it is a personal thing. So many people who feel like they have to have approval of others for their truth to matter is deceived. I can name many examples of this like; race, sexuality, religion, morals, goals, standards, and so on. It really doesn’t matter what someone says about your individual choice or what your particular stand on a particular issue is, it’s your choice. I tell people all the time that we can make choices weather good or bad but it is us as the induvial person who will receive whatever comes back from such a choice.  We as human beings have an innate conscious that tells us right from wrong and we will either obey or disobey that inner feeling. As a man of faith I call that the Holy Spirit and that is what I tend to follow when I make decision and choices. I walk, talk, act, and deal with people from this truth I live in. To another person it may look different or you may call it something else but it is what your truth is.


             \When it comes to walking in your own truth it takes a big person to do so. You can’t be weak or timid about what you stand in. If you lack courage or strength then you will be pulled, tosses, and turned around in what it is that you say you stand in. There is no need to push or force what your truth is on anyone else as it tends to draw people away from what it is you are try it to convey towards more negative responses. I believe the biggest mistake people make in trying to relate a message to others in this world is their delivery. I personally don’t feel like I need to get permission or acceptance from anyone as it pertains to my truth. When I feel the need to go to someone for permission for my truth I have now invited them to critique my truth. When I do this then I will follow this up with offense and then defense. I will never defend myself while standing in my truth because I don’t need to. If I arrive at a conclusion as it relates to what I am standing as truth I don’t need anyone to approve this decision to walk in truth.   If what I am doing is wrong then I will allow my own conviction to tell me that it’s wrong. When I feel the need to get my truth out to everyone else then I am really not as secure in what my truth is. This will quickly be revealed as one will feel the need to be justified by others. I have seen it over and over again with people on many topics today in 2015. I as a person with pretty strong convictions about many subjects am always misunderstood by those who don’t have such convictions. In many cases when I am expressing my opinions people feel the need to respond when really I am not asking their permission to respond at all. So when I do respond they get either offended or defensive because they can’t handle the level of response to my conviction. It is my conviction not yours and if you are not ready for a good backing from me about what I stand firm in then don’t step up to that fight.  



            So if I were to give advice to anyone reading remember to never make judgments that you can’t back up when it comes to speaking out to someone’s truth. Never invite yourself into someone’s life if they don’t ask you. If you are going to be opinionated and vocal about someone then be ready to defend why you feel the need to invade that person’s life with being asked in. remember that many levels of respect come from relationships with people and if you are close to someone then they will receive advice from you simply out of relationship with them. The next thing is to those who walk in their own truth, don’t look for approval from anyone other than God and yourself. If you are stable in yourself and what you stand in then it really doesn’t matter what others think. Here is what I suggest you do to be confident in walking in your own truth.


1.     1. Be bold.

2.     2. Be secure in who you are.

3.     3. Be ready to defend your cause at all times.

4.     4. Walk in your own individuality.

5.     5. Don’t look for approval from others.

6.     6. Don’t force your truth onto anyone else go in when invited in!

7.     7. Be approachable but not gullible when it comes to what you stand in.  

8.     8. Don’t be easily moved away from your beliefs or what you stand in.

9.     9. Walk very assuredly in what your truth is and you will never have to prove anything to anyone.


As always have a great day and God bless you all.