Making a difference for all mankind by changing lives one person at a time!

Destined For Greatness


Spring is upon us!

03/21/2016 02:53

Spring is upon us!

 So today is the first day of spring in 2016 and just this past week I have noticed all the different forms of life coming forward. I walk into my back yard and I can smell fresh flowers blooming and even all the pretty colors blooming in spring time. It is as if there is a rebirthing upon us. Now this may sound corny or even strange but for some reason just like the reflective things I have mentioned in my most previous blogs I am completely aware of my surroundings for some reason. So because this all is being highlighted to me I wanted to share this with those of you who read my blogs.


             I particularly wanted to in this blog bring an awareness to those who read my blogs about everyday things that we sometimes miss because of life. Life keeps us busy and things in life makes it really easy to miss very simple things. Life is so busy and we have so many things that distract us from life’s very simple miracles that I wanted to take the time to remind us to stop, observe, and take in all that this world brings. I am so amazed at times by the miracles that take place on a daily basis things like; grass growing, flowers, blooming, simple and other things about nature that we over look so easily. There is a calming nature about earth that could keep us really balanced if we just took the time to observe just how well put together nature is. Now before any of you reading began to think I am way out there or had some good stuff to smoke let me clarify. As a writer I am always inspired to write and this is no exception. However, like I mentioned for some reason I am being led to really pay attention to the quietness of life. In this season with all the political noise, the racial tensions, division amongst our country, and so much more confusion in the air it takes a lot to stop and appreciate the quietness of life. So no I am not going off the deep end or saying some really bazar stuff to seem so much more intellectual than the average person. What I am trying to do like any blog I write is to challenge you as the reader to think a little deeper about life and what it brings.


             So as always I will challenge you with something to think about. I chose to talk about spring and what it brings to us as humans on this earth and this is one of many things we can use to really appreciate life. I believe that this world was created by god and this universe is doing its own thing without any of our permission. So when we see flowers bloom without any permission from any person you must realize that something started this process. The eco system and how it operates is another example of how this universe is working by divine nature. The solar system and us spinning around with no one’s permission and us not being burned by the sun because it has been set up to not do so. Photo synthesis, oxygen intake, and many other natural things that move about on a day to day basis is pretty amazing if we just took the time to appreciate it. I could go on about the intricate nature of our bodies and how they function but I would be here all day trying to communicate it all to you the reader. What I am simply trying to say is appreciate life and what it brings to us daily!


             Something as simple as the fragrance of life like fresh flowers blooming in the spring time can bring you peace during the most traumatic times in life. Life is about perspective and it is really how we look at things in life. So for anyone reading who may be experiencing some difficult times remember to stop and take note of life and all the good that it brings. Of course this may not take away pain from loss or tragedy but it can help. For the pessimist; challenge yourself to try to look at life as a cup that is half full. Try to look at life with a potential for a happy ending. Look at life’s many challenges as an opportunity to grow and learn from the experiences you may face. This may not always be the way you choose to look at things but it sure can make the transitions of life a lot easier to move through.


             If I were to leave you with anything to meditate on it would be to take the opportunity to drink the goodness of life. In addition to this challenge yourself to stop and purposely slow life down so that you can enjoy it. Never negate an opportunity to breathe in what God has created because with every breath life is conserved. Finally allow life to bring the growth that it is supposed to bring. Without rain in our lives growth can’t take place. I used this analogy, but if you really look at what rain does then you will truly realize that life is produced because of rain. So in moving forward remember that rain is not such a bad thing because if not for rain we would not be able to grow. Life is truly about perspective so keep all things in proper perspective and I guarantee life will be a little easier to navigate.


 As always have a great day!

