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Destined For Greatness


Sin is sin!

08/15/2012 02:10



Sin is sin!

Greeting everyone this message is decimated to those of us who truly understand that sin is sin. I remember growing up in the church where everything we did was a sin. I’m sure some of  you can relate to this type of religious living. Strict living where people acted one way on Sunday but acted a fool Monday through Friday. Now I’m not insinuating that everyone was sinning throughout the week but many were. I would like to address the gay issue because it seems to come up often in conversations. Just recently the owner of Chick-fil-a made a statement about traditional marriage and his stand on it. This sparked a huge fight between all who oppose it, and those who agree with it. I for one agree with it and that’s because biblically it’s wrong. Now to those of you who feel like you need to go out and gay bash and tell them they are going to hell you are out of order. No one can send anyone to hell that’s Gods job. I am not saying that God is waiting to put people into hell but that he is a just God! He also give us free will! Now for those of us who claim to know God but do not operate in any kind of love shame on you. If we spent half the time loving that we do judging we would have an amazing place filled with more people who would like to meet our God! At the end of the day we all have our stuff that we deal with and if we keep the focus on others and their sin and not our own sin and God then we may just end up where we are trying to put others.  

1 Corinthians 13: states that love conquers all and we must live in love. Walk in love and act in love. That’s what pleases God. Stop running around here giving God a bad name and let love be at the forefront of your attitude.


God bless you and blog to you soon.