Making a difference for all mankind by changing lives one person at a time!

Destined For Greatness



11/12/2016 15:30


As I sit here I am reflecting on what I wrote about a few months ago. I was very clear when I said don’t tell me to vote according to my faith! I wrote that blog after watching a few elections come and go. So, when this one was in its genesis I felt very strongly that I should speak to this issue. I thought then, and I still feel today that we have gotten it wrong when it comes to how to enter a voting pole.      I as a man of faith am still a black man living in this country, and there is nothing I can do about this very real fact. So, when I heard other people of faith insinuating that I should not use this platform to make my very real human decisions I just wasn’t buying that. This is for several reasons which are as follows; the first is because as human beings living on this earth we are affected in many ways, but they don’t look the same for us. Second; I will never know or claim to know how it feels to walk in another man’s shoes, nor will I pretend to. Third; many people try to take this one faith generality and make it be all the same for all because we have faith in common.  Well this could not be further from the truth in my opinion.  We may have faith in common, but we are miles a part in so many other instances. Being black vs white for example; this topic alone divides us when it comes to our different experiences. I could go on and on from here as to why the blanket faith thing will never work. So I stand in what I said a few months back and the results of this past election proves my point about faith and what role it played in the results.


            So the next time you hear about voting, and the process I want you to think about how many people truly looked at what was being said about blacks, Hispanics,  Muslims,  women, war hero’s, judges of a certain ethnicity,  and choice. I further want you to think about the mass following of white supremacist who never were quiet about their support and involvement in this person’s campaign that he never disavowed. I what you to tell me how many people of faith” Listen to the hate speech towards people, the promoting of violence at rallies, and the lack of empathy for those who were being accosted. How many “people of faith” were listening to what was truly being said behind all the speeches? How many “people of faith” had empathy for their fellow mankind as they were being attacked?   How many “people of faith” listened to the reports of what activities and actions accompanied this current president elect? In addition to this person I will not over –look the other candidate and the many issues she had as well. Issues with character, and trust. Not to mention what she supported in the early 90’s with the Clinton crime bill, but so did our current vice president. I did not hear from Clinton; anger, hate, division, racism, bias, or fear. I still think she was the best for the job as it pertains to being a leader. I like the non- systematic view that Trump took initially, but as he continued I could not ignore what he was saying. He spoke exactly who he was and I did not ignore that. Now with this being said let me be very clear on what I am trying to communicate. I am not pro anything per say but I am also not stupid. I am not saying who anyone should have voted for, but I will never go into anything situation including voting not being a black man in this country. So for me I will never suggest to anyone that they take off their actual ethnicity and cover themselves with faith and vote. This is the craziest thing I have ever heard especially when I am called to be the salt of the earth, an example of my faith and a moral compass sort of speak. So, when I look at this as a whole I have to conclude that many “people of faith” aligned themselves with a racist, xenophobic, divisive,[CD1]   narcissistic, individual who has a following of people from the Alt Right movement which is a modern day form of white supremacy who does not like me as a black man. I would have to conclude that maybe if they are okay with this alignment then they are not okay with me or many who look like me. Not okay with Muslims, or people of other ethnicities as well. This to me has nothing to do with faith, but who people truly are. The whole conservative thing is a joke as the president elect was not truly of that party, and conflicted with the majority.    

             So if I were to conclude with anything it would be that I have never voted according to what I believe, or my faith per say as it is not the premise for the electoral process in my opinion. We as the human race are given different ethnicities and treated as such. We will in most cases not experience the same things, nor live the same way especially in America. America has done an amazing job at keeping us separate, not equal, not liberated as a whole, and by no means post racial.  This has been in the church from its genesis and has never left. So the very assumption of acting in the voting process according to your faith is skewed as racism has been in religion in this country since its inception.  I as an individual can only vote my conscious and in this particular cycle there was no way I could align myself with someone who has made it clear his motives. So if I were to be honest with you as the reader I would confess that I now have trouble with anyone who tries to justify by faith choosing someone who has not exhibited a moral man of faith since he arrived on the scene, and has been somehow justified.  Additionally I now believe that people have shown me who they are, and I believe them. This may not sit well with some reading, but I have never been one to save face by being dishonest and I am not going to start now. Love tells the truth, love conquers all, and I love people enough to tell the truth regardless of its popularity.   


As always have a great day.