Making a difference for all mankind by changing lives one person at a time!

Destined For Greatness


Reach your dreams

03/26/2015 14:41

Reach your dreams in 2015!

 Greetings all,


 As I am once again blogging I wanted to continue on the thought of reaching your dreams this year. For many people life has been full of disappointing situations and I for one can agree with statement personally. What I have not done is allowed it to stop me from reaching my many aspirations for my life. I have used every adversity in my life as fuel to move forward in my pursuit of destiny. This is why I choose to blog and encourage all I come into contact with to never stop dreaming. For some of us if we did not dream we would literally die! For many others without dreaming life seems really redundant and monotonous. So this is why I want and will always be one to challenge the reader to keep reaching for your dreams.


 I like many of you have my bucket list full of things I want to attain before my time is up on this earth. I have determined in my mind that nothing or no one will stop me from at least trying. I can’t nor will I ever feel guilty for trying. The biggest failure in my opinion is never trying because there simply is no failing in trying. If you are like me and have anything that prevents you from being fully capable then you know that life is hard at times, but don’t let it stop you from pressing in to reach those dreams. I live and die by the saying; what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger” and always have long before the rap song Lol…


 In this thing called life we must have a wherewithal to continue on with or in any challenge. One of my major concerns with this generation is the idea that everything will handed to them. This is simply not the truth.  I must stay that this attitude is not will everyone in this generation though because there are a hand full of young people who are hardworking individuals who don’t expect any handouts. Anything worth attaining is worth the hard work it takes to attain it and we must be full of ambition.


 If I were to leave you with any final words on reaching your dreams this year it would be the following;


1.     Always keep our dream active in your mind and on paper.

2.     Don’t share your most intimate dreams with dream thieves (jealous individuals who are always negative about your thoughts and ideas).

3.     Work on one aspect of your dream every day.

4.     Don’t be afraid to step out fear cannot be an option to stop you from stepping out.

5.     Be ready for the word no because yeses always follows no’s.  

6.     Find other likeminded individuals who are also chasing their dreams to be your encouragement.         

7.     Remember that life is a marathon not a sprint and the one who endures to the end wins!

 I am so excited about the prospects of what can happen this year for those of us who are in pursuit of our dreams. I am never going to stop dreaming and I don’t want those who read this blog to ever stop either. We are all on a head on collision with destiny and remember that we are all one great idea from obtaining that successful career, patent, financial surety, or overall prosperity we are looking for. Prosperity to me is not all financial it is mental, physical, and financial after all what good is having a lot of money if you are not happy at the end of the day. So I strongly suggest that on this journey to successfully reaching your dreams that you are constantly soul searching. Find that peace you need to sustain you, deal with those issues that have bound you, and constrain that character you will need to ground you. This will be life changing if you follow this simple advice.

 I say go for it! I am your number one cheerleader in this journey and remember that you all are DESTINED FOR GREATNESS!   

 Love ya and God bless.