Making a difference for all mankind by changing lives one person at a time!

Destined For Greatness


Random acts of kindness!

02/27/2016 09:21

Random acts of kindness!

 So the other day I was led to send out a personal text to all my phonebook contacts. Now when I first got the inspiration to do this it sounded pretty cool however, two days later after texting for about 8 hours total to get to everyone in my phone book I thought I was crazy for doing this. Partly because I am a writer and my text was meaningful yet somewhat long is the reason it took so long to text about 700 people. For the most part I really don’t mind the time it took as I am pretty good with time management but I had no idea how meaningful it would be for a lot of people I sent the message to.


             So right away people began to respond to the text. Some responses were vague but more and more people began to respond with thankfulness. As I am writing this text I literally received a text response that has now been almost a week ago to this same text. As a person with a relationship with God I am often led to do certain things that are not always clear to me at the time but I still am obedient as it has proven to be what I need to do. As a relational person it is really not hard for me to encourage those I interact with on a regular basis however, this time was a little different. To make a long story short I had just had a birthday and was reflecting about life, my impact as I am getting older, reassessing goals/etc. , and really looking at the state of our nation and I thought it very necessary to express my gratitude for what god and only God could have done through me over the years. I never take any appointment with people lightly, nor do I take people and relationships for granted. With this I sent out this brief yet detailed message and it was the right thing for me to do at the time. Once again I had no idea how it would affect those receiving the message.


             So as the text responses began to pour in right away and over the entire week I was convinced that I was obedient to what I was supposed to do. This was what I call a random act of kindness. When for no reason at all you just decide to stop for a second and think about someone else other than yourself for a moment in time. I did this without any pretense and was blessed beyond measure with the overwhelming response of gratitude and love back that I sent out. I do believe that you reap what you sew and that what goes around comes around and boy do we need more of this in our world today. It takes little to no time to let someone know how special they are. Also it takes a selfless person to realize that life is not always about them. When we take an opportunity to make someone feel special in whatever way you never know how far that act can truly go. Even more how much it really may impact the recipient of this act of kindness. So if you have it within your means to do good by someone then do it because it may makes someone’s day.


              So the message today is to be kind to one another, graceful, and take each day as an opportunity for gratitude for life and all it brings. Take a little time to smile over frowning at someone. Take the opportunity to be grateful for life and all that it brings both good and bad as there is something to learn from both. Finally doing what is right is not always the most popular thing to do but it is always the right thing to do. So today and for the rest of a\your lifetime take the opportunity to be kind to and/or for someone. It doesn’t matter if they are a stranger or someone you know very well. Make it a point to be selfless on a regular basis because you truly never really know how impactful you may be at that moment in time. Something as little as a random act could actually save someone’s life. It could put a smile on the face of someone who really has no reason to smile. It could give hope to a person who is in a hopeless situation.   Overall it may just be what someone needs at that moment. I encourage all who read to be that person who lives to be random in their kindness.


As always I hope this helps you who choose to take the time to read and is a motivation to be that kind person.     


Have an amazing day!