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Destined For Greatness


Politics vs Spirituality

09/08/2012 01:31

Political views Vs spiritual views

These are truly different!


So after looking at all that is going on in the political arena I am still convinced that politics should not dictate what a believer believes. What I mean by this is that so many claim to “vote according to their faith!” That for me is pretty bad. Any time you even began to compare the God of this universe to a mortal man it’s not good. So many “Christians” have allowed decision to be made by people who have political agendas only. They only want to win and that is their goal. The sad reality is that most “Christians” don’t see that this is going on. I will be voting for the one who I feel is best for this country right now. It has nothing to do with religious views, his position on morality, or his race. I am a person who has not been privileged to be rich or have that type of background. So I really need someone who can look out for me as the small man. I like what he stands for when it comes to people and dong things right and being transparent. It has been too long that we have allowed people to be in office saying that they were “Christian” but not acting like it at all! I think it is really bad when we as believers feel like the politicians should be the moral compass of this world. That is not the job of politicians but the job of those of us who claim to be believers of God. For as long as there has been abortions, homosexuals, weed, and any other thing that we have allowed into the hands of politicians, it has never stopped weather it was legal or not. That simply is not their job! When we allow the moral temperature to be gagged by people who really don’t care about souls then we have lost sight of what the great commission said to us as believers (Matthew 28:18-20). Now I know that many people will disagree with me and my position and that’s cool because I only have one God to answer to. I believe God has called His people to be out there helping people to understand that He exists and wants all men to be saved. I believe it is our job to witness to the lost like Christ did back in the day. Somehow we have gotten it all messed up in thinking that we are not to be persecuted for Christ name sake. So instead of following the great commission we have become closet believers afraid of what might be said or done if we speak up for the God we claim to love and serve. This world has made us believe that we should be the silent ones not the bold ones for Christ!  What is this? No we should be loud and proud! So when you are thinking about all the things we are seeing with democrats and republicans keep in mind that you are a man or women of God first!

Remember that it is the duty of the believer to share the gospel (Romans 1:16).

Finally the bible says that the blood of a man’s soul is on us when we do not warn them of the future things to come (Ezekiel 3:19).


Keep all this in mind when you are going throughout your day. For those of you who are quick to judge remember that when you point one finger at someone, there is three pointing back at you. The bible say judge not least ye be judged kjv (Matthew 7:1-5).    


Have a great week and please feel free to respond to this message.


God bless ya D