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Destined For Greatness


Observation creates revelation

07/08/2016 18:33

Observation creates revelation!

Well so here I go I have been watching the news feed all day and tossing and turning all last night trying to wrap my mind around what is truly going on in this country. As a prophetic voice not a pathetic voice I do understand and have been proclaiming for a while now that America must reap what it has sown. We cannot avoid what is very obvious and those who see with their natural eyes in many cases are still blind. When I say blind I mean by choice it is very easy for one to turn their head away or avoid very real issues because they don't want to admit the truth. When the real reality is race has never been discussed, and apparently we as black folks were just supposed to get over 400 years of institutionalized racism and continue to be slaves apparently. The crazy part is that we talk more about the Jews and what they endured then Blacks in this country. It’s like we won’t admit that it happened and what we are living today is a direct result of such treatment and denial.

We know that slavery is much more effective when it's mental Than Physical and after many years of a lack of resources, degradation (both financially and mentally), Financial disparagement, Intercity influx of drugs, expensive guns, and other paraphernalia that poor people can't afford, over policing, militarized uniforms and actions towards black people in the Inner City, and people expect a growing frustration to have not been the fuel to a fire. We are like crabs in a crab barrel in many cases trying to get out but constantly being pulled back and that’s a fact.  I am now blogging about this and it's not going to be pretty!


I have been observing for over three years now especially after the release of my first book The Mentality of Man from an African American Perspective which I really feel was a prophetic work somewhat predicting what we see that has grown more disturbing the past three years, starting with Donald Sterling and his racial statements.  So with the growing racial tension I would like to ask a few questions;   I would like to know where is the church in all of this? Why are we so quiet? During the Civil Rights Movement the church was the ones leading the March with people of all Races involved! Could it be that money, materialism, and the lack of teaching about the true following of Christ, denominationalism, separatism, and a bunch of nonsense are at the Forefront of Pulpits these days?  Could it be that we're not preaching about principalities and the powers of the air that exist, and are ruling and running this country and world? I would like to know where the dialogue that should be coming from our politicians is. Where is the demand for transparency and integrity from these politicians and people we give responsibility over our lives, our country, states, cities, and counties? Where are the leaders in our communities of all colors? Why have we allowed all of this stuff to manifest into this huge monster? This is truly taxation without representation and we have to demand this. 

So as I ask these questions I am truly seeking answers as to how we have arrived here today. As a minister of the gospel I am always going to be harder on the church because I see what is and is not going on in the church. The word gospel is and or means the “good news” and can we truly say as a whole body that people look at the church as a place where they are getting the good news? I don’t think so! The church is a joke and most people are very cynical when it comes to even having a conversation about church. See what has happened in my opinion is that the church has been living a lie a long time  now in many ways and now those lies have caught up with the church. For example how is it that in the book of revelation we see Christ described as a man with hair like sheep’s wool and skin the color of bronze (Revelation 1:14-15), but yet in many churches we see the image of a European dude that looks nothing like what the bible has described?  We should understand and know that things have been tampered with and when Michael Angelo created that image for some priest back in the day this is what was accepted but not accurately portrayed. I know some reading might be asking why does it matter and the simple answer is because scripture is clear and people in certain positions of authority dictated what was going to be accepted. The bible also tells us to study to show ourselves approved (2 timothy 2:15) and people who are in leadership should have studied this a long time ago because today it truly matters what we see. This country was formed with the idea that blacks were 3/5 human, not equal to whites, lives did not matter, considered property, and were enslaved by whites who taught them that God was a ruler not a savior.  Blacks in this country were expendable and were not allowed to read so whatever understanding they had about the bible was fed through white slave owners who morally thought it was ok and Gods will for them to do what they did to blacks and Native Americans. Now there are a few conclusions we can come to with this one’ first whites where truly ignorant of scripture, in denial of what scripture really said, or not open to what God intended. I personally say they were ignorant first, and then they chose to not go with what God intended because if they did as time progressed they would not have fought against freedom for slaves. Now this brings me back to why it is important to not decide what scriptures to over- look. If we look at this country’s very real history and the powers that be dictating everything that we read white supremacy would dictate that everything be and look like what they what perceived. So if I were in control and in power I would make everything look just like me to continue the illusion of white privilege and white supremacy. This is why preachers, and teachers have a duty and obligation to study and teach the whole truth. Now I know that some reading will also question the validity of scripture and that’s for another discussion but for this one I am simply saying that if we in 2016 or many years after the freeing of slaves would have taught things correctly maybe this discussion of race and how blacks are and have been treated could have been addressed many years ago. The real truth is the powers that be did not want it that way because with knowledge comes power and if there were a power change then that has to be an economical change as well, God forbid there be a transfer of wealth to the poor. So something simple like what Jesus truly looked like creates a whole different dynamic for people of color. We no longer have this ideology of God being this mean slave master who only wanted us to be here for the benefit of white folks. In addition this whole idea that our color was a curse was also a misinterpretation or manipulation should I say. All of this has played a huge role in the thought process of all men. This certainly changes a lot of things if things were truly taught from the truth. Until we are willing to even talk about this in the church white people will still believe because it is in the genetic makeup that they are superior over blacks, and anyone who is not enlightened will continue to believe what is being fed to them. If we can’t get the church to seek and tell the truth then how can we expect the world we live in to accept truth. This is why I asked why is the church so quiet and the plain truth is we are not truly standing on truth so we can’t go out and speak about social issues when we don’t even have biblical clarity , which gives us confidence to stand up for justice for all. We have lost the courage that Jesus walked in yet we say we are followers of Him.  He fought the status quo, challenged the church when they were wrong, and went against everything that spoke to people not being truly free. Last but not least He hung out with the least respected in the world but we won’t even talk about the least respected in our country today. Need I say more!                

The last thing I will say about the huge division we see in our country today as it pertains to religion and church today is we are so divided. Sunday is a great example of how divided we are as the body. If I bring up denominations they are endless. Most people will fight you over their denomination and speak on it more than the God they claim to serve. Not to mention some people will fight you over it! So until the church is willing to stand up and not hide behind barriers like church differences once again we can never be the beacon of light the bible talks about us being. We are the moral fiber and the ones who should be leading by example but yet we are considered a joke by the world. We are too busy being religious instead of real. We are too busy trying to get blessings from God instead of God blessing us in what we do. We are settled in our mediocracy instead of taking every day as if it is our last and making a difference in the lives of those around us. Finally we are too busy doing church instead of being the church. Like I said I was not going to go easy on the church because we need a swift kick in our hind parts. Wake up church our world needs us very badly.  Remember that knowledge is power and applied knowledge is wisdom but ultimately gaining knowledge is a choice, and even though scripture encourages us to gain knowledge many remain ignorant.      


I in no way condone violence but it amazes me how quickly people point the finger towards black folks and their behaviors. Once again America chooses to forget how violent its past is and conveniently throws rocks in a glass house when it comes to understanding that violence is learned behavior. We were violently treated by whites in this country when it started and it has never stopped even until today. We were chained, thrown over ships half alive to die, our communities were bombed with fire and planes (black Wall Street 1932) after we overcame the first level of violence and mistreatment. We were hunted down like animals when we tried to escape captivity, tarred and feathered, hung with nooses, and set on fire as a public display to all who were invited, and you wonder where we got the violent behavior from. We got it from our fathers duh! We are descendants of violent forefathers and now you wonder why we are acting like them!


Many fail to realize the policing got its start in policing slaves and this is why there is a history of seeing black people as less than human because this is its origin. If a mentality has never been addressed how can it change? People have come from other countries and carry an attitude that they are better than blacks in this country and that’s because they have been treated better than most blacks in this country. If you think I’m lying look at all the small businesses in the black community; are the majority black owned? I don’t think so! They are ran by Arabs, Asians, Koreans, Indians, Jews, and Hispanics. You will never see these businesses in affluent neighborhoods but very strategically in poor neighborhoods. Our history shows us that we went from being “freed”, to whites creating unions because they realized we had all the skills for work because we built the nation, to opening up the boarders to allow people from other countries in because we as a nation did not want black people to advance in any way. Now this is the real American history I never was taught in school.  However, I was pretty good in math and remember that 2+2=4, and if you do the math we have been subtracted from and divided by since we got here. We have been over looked, mistreated, economics held back and yet survived with constant obstacles. Don’t get it twisted either if you don’t believe what I just said the next time you get a chance check out the inscription on the statue of liberty, check out her foot, and tell me if her features are reflective of what it says on her base. As you do research remember that she was rejected by America because she looked like a black woman at first but changed so that she favored a European woman. Once again the powers that be were controlling the appearance of things reflective ow white supremacy. Keep in mind this was a gift from the French for the freedom of slaves and celebrating the role black soldiers played in winning the civil war. I bet you never read that in a history book before.

Finally to the average person you may not realize that the one being used today is Donald Trump, who has been the one stirring this huge pot that is now boiling over. He also is the Frankenstein that the Republicans have worked on for the last four  to six years, never asking him to be quiet with all of his racist, sexist, and religious(anti-Muslim) rhetoric when we created Isis by equipping them with guns because we could not punk the Middle East for their oil under George W Bush. The reality is Isis is a problem that we created (yes folks wake up America created Isis) and Trump has you believing it's Muslim's, and now the monster is in full effect. Once again it is out of ignorance and fear that people are jumping to irrational conclusions. In the information age I have no clue why we choose to remain ignorant. Our country is in trouble because it must reap what it has sown and there is a lot of innocent blood that has been shed on American soil. 2 Chronicles 7:14 is also clear and until we humble ourselves before God certain things cannot be avoided, and unfortunately it's only going to get worse because you can't oppress a people for too long before Rebellion breaks out. All I can say is for those of you who believe in God pray, pray, pray because scripture say very clearly that evil prevails when good men do nothing. How dare America go out of its way to try to tell some other country how to live, behave, and be moral when their own house has been in shambles, we have moved away from morality, and have turned our back to spirituality. "Democracy has Ben hypocrisy" in this country - (Malcolm X). For those of you who don't pray you will believe one way or the other because God is not a liar and He will not be mocked whatever you sow you shall reap!  So when lawlessness becomes the norm remember the plight we took to get here. When death and mayhem becomes out of control remember how we got here. When we look at our lack of action we cannot be upset when our inaction creates negative action. When the church refuses to address very real issues and live completely in the truth uncompromised don’t be surprised at the world’s response to believers.

In conclusion a nation who wants to pray after things get bad have to remember that the denial of God increases the power and influence of satan.  So when we make certain choices we can never choose the consequences.  I encourage all who read to do your best to be the change you want to see. I encourage you to be one who lives and seeks truth. Finally don’t be afraid to address very uncomfortable issues because when it’s all said and done change comes from real discussions and dialog not inaction! I won’t apologize for telling the truth and neither should any of you who are carriers of truth.  

God bless you all.