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Destined For Greatness


Never quit

09/27/2012 12:12

Never Quit!


Greetings everyone,


I just wanted to encourage any of you who are struggling with the idea that you want to give up and quit. Life can be hard at times btt we must remain focused and keep going. We must have an attitude that nothing will stop us no matter how hard things may be at a given time. We have to carry a mentality that says I am an overcoming regardless of my current circumstances.  As I write this I hope you catch that I am saying we not you. I am inspiring myself along with you. I will always try to talk to you all out of my own experiences along with what God is speaking to me at any given moment. My encouragement for you is to fight the good fight no matter what that fight is. Stand up and be strong even when you feel like you have nothing else to stand for. Finally don’t let anything in this life stop you. We may slow down but it does not stop us.

I leave you with this.


I will not give up nor give in!

I will not stop or be defeated!

I will not be discouraged or down trodden!

I will not back down, backup, or back out!

I will not take life for granted or look at it as frivolous!

I will not take the path of least resistance!

I will not sit down, shut up, or shut down!

 I will not be isolated, intimidated, or manipulated!   

I will not entertain leaving this earth before my time!

I will never quit!

I will be strong and courageous!

I will be positive, prepared, and persistent!

I will be objective, observant, obedient, and optimistic!

I will fight for myself, my sanity, and my serenity!

I will be offensive, and not defensive.

I will be strong in my mind!

I will make the choice to live and not die!

I will not quit!


Here are some vrse to read.


Joshua 1:7-8

Psalms 139:14-17

Isaiah 26:3-4

Romans 8:31-39

Ephesians 4:13, 6:10-18