Making a difference for all mankind by changing lives one person at a time!

Destined For Greatness


Mad As Hell Right Now!

08/21/2012 22:05

Mad as Hell right now!


What do you do when it seems like all is going wrong?

What do you do when it feels like God is allowing everything to be thrown at you all at once?

What do you do when life is so messed up that you feel like if there is a God why is He allowing all this stuff to happen to you?

I have had those days and the past two weeks have been really rough. I understand that when things happen that the word of Gods says that God will not bring more on us than we are able to handle, and boy do I not feel that way often times. The reality is that I guess we can take all that comes our way. I know that things come to try us and make us stronger than we once were but it sure hurts like hell! This life is so temporary but we do so much in this life that we feel like it will be forever and it simply is not true we will leave this earth one day. I am learning more and more when the bible say to store up your treasures in heaven what that really means. This life can land some devastating blows and knock us out, but we stand to fight another day and situation.

I typically write out of my own situations and this is another one of those messages where I want to encourage someone else through a hard situation.


My prayer for you..


Father God bless those who are going through tough times. Show them the reason that they are dealing with such pain and suffering. Show them the reason why life has been so rough. Reveal to them their destiny God and also show them how much You love us all!  I bless all who will read this blog and I praise you Lord for all that you allow in this life because there is a purpose and reason for it all. I just ask that You show us that purpose so that we can move forward. In Jesus name Amen!  


Read Ecclesiastes 3rd chapter, and Philippians 4:13, for encouragement.


God bless you all, D