Making a difference for all mankind by changing lives one person at a time!

Destined For Greatness


Live life to the fullest!

07/03/2012 03:12

Greetings all,

This weeks message is an encouragement for all of us to live life to the full extent. We all have been given life, breath, vitality, talents, purpose and a destiny that we all have the potential to reach. When I say live life to the full extent i mean don't go through life afraid, regretful, negative, defeated, intimidated and most importantly driven by the past. So many people are led by these emotions and it paralyzes them from being free. Many are also limited by their minds. I want to encourage all of you by my own testimony. I was told very negative things at an early age. Many things that were said and done were used to destroy me literally to break my spirit. In addition I was told that I would be completely blind and that I should not make any future plans. Though told this, and experiencing some very tramatic things including near death I refused to let these words stop me from living life to the fullest.

People often wonder why I have such high level of energy and love for life and people, and the simple answer is because I'm still here, I have defied all the odds and statistics that said I would not or should not be here. I have all that I need to be the best Denaryle (D, Coach D) I can be. This world needs me! I now say to each and everyone of you the same thing. This world needs you! Your unique attributes, personality, character, wit, ingenuity, talents and so on. This world is full of negative voices, and for every negative thing you have heard that has stopped you from going forward I declare the following;

You can do anything you set your mind to do! I say you are full of greatness waiting to be discovered! I say you are precious in Gods sight and He makes no mistakes! I say to you today is the day to move pass all the hurt and pain, and let the healing begin right now! I say that you are important, you are needed, and necessary! Sure things have and will happen to me but I've never let it stop me, and don't let it stop you either. To live life to the fullest you have to be free. To be free you must not let anything hold you back let it all go 2012 is only halfway finished lets go get it! Finally I say to you that you are somewhere in the future and you look much better than you do right now! Live for the future not in your past.