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Destined For Greatness


Letting Go

07/03/2012 03:49

Letting go is easier said then done! Greetings all,

This weeks message goes out to those of us who have a hard time letting go of certain things in our lives. In light of today being Memorial Day I wanted to look at the word memorial and use it biblically speaking for us to bury some things that need to be buried. for many of us some very harmful and hurtful things have been done to us. Some of these things being character assassination, they have spoke against our integrity and even spoke against what we morally stand for. Some of us have been violated in many different ways including physically mentally and spiritually. Others have been scarred, and trust violated. All of these things causes hurt and pain and it stops us from moving forward. Although we may physically grow mentally and spiritually we have stopped. All the things that we have surpressedt and have never dealt with eventually manifest themselves in our future. Whether in relationships with people, God. weather in our marriages, with our kids, dealing with employers or people in places of authority. These are just a few examples of what happens when issues not dealt wirh manifest themselves. My encouragement today is as follows..

1. Dig up and unveil all the things that cause you hurt and pain ( parents, siblings, teachers, coaches, "friends", spiritual leaders, people you trusted, situations, deaths, abandonment, mistreated, abused, and anything else you can remember).

2. Forgive those who have wronged you no matter how hard it is (forgiveness is a process not a one time deal).

3. Make a memorial today burying all the things that have hurt you and kept you from moving forward, find a way to bury it once and for all.

4. Realize that holding onto the past prevents you from moving forward into your future.

5. Realize that forgiveness is not for the other person, situation but it's for you.

6. Realize that by not forgiving others you're like a puppet on a string, and the situation or circumstance that hurt you or caused you harm is the puppetmaster.

7. No matter how hard it is let it go (reaping and sowing, karma, the first law of motion, what goes around comes around).

God is a just God. If I can leave you with anything it is for you to remember that life is about forward progression. God never created us to be violated, hurt, or harmed but these things do happen. Also remember what does not kill you makes you stronger. Walk in this life knowing it's not what somebody calls you, but what you respond to. Finally your idenity is not defined by your situation but solely by and through your creation.

As you read these verses just know that it is so hard at times to do, but it is for our good. Receive them and then help someone else get set free by passing them on. 

Revenge... Deuteronomy 32:35, Romans 12:19.

Forgiveness... Genesis 50:20-21, Psalms 32:1-2, Proverbs 19:11, Matthew 5:4,6:14-15,18:21-22, Mark 11:25, Luke 16:36-37,17:-4,23:33-34, John 20:22-23, Acts 7:59-60, Romans 4:7-8,12:20, 2 Corinthians 2:10-11, Ephesians 4:32, Colossians 3:13, 2 Timothy 4:16.

LET IT GO TODAY! God bless you, love you all. CD