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Destined For Greatness


Kepp the standards high for the next generation!

04/02/2017 15:39

Keep the standard high for our next generation!

I wanted to talk about the standards we are now allowing in today’s times. We have somehow come to a place where lowering standards for our next generation has become acceptable.  We are now telling young people as long as they join something they can still be rewarded for just being on a team or as a participant. This is sending the message that it’s ok not to work hard in what you have committed to do. After taking a few years off from coaching I have witnessed a generation of kids who are all over the place. They are non-committal as a whole, and not being held to a high expectation. This is not on them though. This is completely on us as a society who has decided to let up on the level of commitment we expect from them.


As I have witnessed this with coaching my nephew and now being back full time as a track coach I will not lower the standard that I was held to. I will not lower the standard that I have always held my athletes to in the past. I think we do them a grave injustice when we say let’s lower the bar and have them settle for less than what we should expect from them.  I will keep my standard high, and challenge them to do the best that they are capable of doing.


As a leader of leaders I have a duty and obligation to bring out the best in those who have been entrusted in me to do this exact thing. When asking this generation to be there best it takes pulling out their full potential. We should not accept mediocracy or half effort. This is the major problem I see in young people today. They do minimal work, only apply half effort, and settle for anything that does not completely challenge them. They have an attitude that something is better than nothing. They don’t like to be challenged intellectually, they lack the critical thinking skills that we received in school in times past, and are complimented for not being the best that they are capable of, but give little to no effort and still rewarded.  I refuse to fall into this mindset. This is one of the reasons why I left the educational arena. It was too hard not challenging kids to think outside of the box.


We give kids almost everything today and don’t make them work hard for things. We cottle them, and make monsters that coaches, teachers, and employers have to deal with. This is setting them up to fail as the world does not have to cater to this type of mentality. America is one of the only countries that has done this. We are not as competitive as other countries, and I have a major problem with this. We have a duty and obligation to reproduce productive, strong, and capable adults to run our society in the future. We have to keep the bar held high so that they have something to reach for. One has never truly respected something that they have not worked hard to achieve.


With all of this being said this does not speak for the few who are out there that are teachable, self-motivated, and want to be led into leadership. We have a small remnant of youth who are tomorrow’s future, and gives me confidence that we are not as bad off as it appears. Everyone is not entitled, and expect something for nothing. Not all the young people I encounter are lazy, and expect handouts. There are kids who are given a bad rep by people saying that all the millennials are entitled and want something for nothing. So, as leaders make sure that you are looking for those who really want to be challenge to greatness.  Don’t be discouraged by the ones who don’t want to be challenged. Allow the ones who are longing for that challenge to keep you focused and motivated.


As a final thought never negate an opportunity to be the change that this country and world needs. If you are a millennial reading; dare to be different then what society has labeled you as being. Dare to be the one who changes the world for the best. Accept the challenge to be the one who gives us as your leaders today the confidence to know that we are leaving our world in good hands.  Accept the role of tomorrow’s leader. Make the critics eat their own words of not expecting much from you. Prove to yourself and the world that you are going to reach your potential while fulfilling your destiny.


I will not settle for lowering the bar and standards for this generation as it does them no good. I will keep the standard as high as the individual needs it to be. I will not set unrealistic expectations for the next generation as it does them an injustice for me to do so. Being a leader of leader’s means we have to always lead by example and pave the way for the next generation to lead.   


Be motivated to go above and beyond what you are capable of doing as student as well as teacher. Don’t let anyone stop you from pulling out the full potential of those you lead. For those who follow don’t let anyone or anything stop you from receiving the necessary skills needed to be a productive leader in this world.  




As always have a great day!