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Destined For Greatness


Independence Day 2017!

07/04/2017 14:33

Independence Day 2017

What does this mean for the average American today? I remember growing up in the 70’s, and celebrating America’s birthday in 1976. We did the usual BBQ’s and fireworks however, at 6 years old no one ever told me that what we were celebrating was very hypocritical of this country. We have celebrated this time, but all Americans are not free completely, nor have we been. In 1976 we were only 6-10 years removed from the center of the civil rights movement in this country. In the 70’s I was still being called “Nigger” in Michigan. So, what has my history taught me? It has taught me absolutely nothing in the school system, nor in the history of government at all!  America has refused to admit its racist ways, and actions up until today. We have acted like we have had an amazing past filled with hope and freedom for all men in this country. This could not be further from the truth. The reality in this country for most Americans especially people of color is that we are still being treated unfairly, and unequally.     


Here’s some history….


History has not told us the truth that a man named Columbus was not the first to discover this country. How can one discover a land that was already inhabited? In fact African’s (the Moore’s) a people who derive from Morocco, and Algeria) had already circled the earth, and been to the America’s 314 years prior to Columbus in 1178. I will refer to this later in the blog. Here is a typical definition of Independence Day in any search… 

Independence Day, also referred to as the Fourth of July or July Fourth, is a federal holiday in the United States commemorating the adoption of the Declaration of Independence 241 years ago on July 4, 1776. The Continental Congress declared that the thirteen American colonies regarded themselves as a new nation, the United States of America, and were no longer part of the British Empire. The Congress actually voted to declare independence two days earlier, on July 2.

Independence Day is commonly associated with fireworksparadesbarbecuescarnivalsfairspicnicsconcertsbaseball gamesfamily reunions, and political speeches and ceremonies, in addition to various other public and private events celebrating the history, government, and traditions of the United States. Independence Day is History the National Day of the United States.[

Now this is cute however, not the real reality and heart of our founding Fathers. We have been told that many of our founding fathers were “Christians”, but not true! They were White men over being followers of Christ. The word Christian in its literal definition means Christ like. Christ gave his life for all men to know God, and he was the perfect example of humanity. There is no way our racist founding fathers were, or should be defined as Christ like. The hypocritical words written in the Declaration were never meant for black people. Our slave owning founding fathers considered black people as property so, the words written were never meant to bring equality for all men only white men in America. So words like all men being created equal was a lie in those documents. Phrases like land of the free, home of the brave all lies. The preamble-


We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Jus, tice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.”   Here is more lies as well. We who? What people? Black folks were treated like less than human in this country. I will stop here as I can go on for days at a time with the lies this country has perpetuated over the years. It is time we stop living like this country has an amazing past. The real reality is that our lies have caught up with us and we are now living the fruit of these lies today in 2017. There is a saying that goes Black success is always followed by White backlash!” This is evident in our country promoting, engaging, electing, and upholding the actions, attitudes, behavior and choices of our current President. This all after the election of our first black president Barack Obama. This current administration has the mindset of those of the Jim Crow ear. Don’t forget Jim Crow’s kids had kids, and with lies leading the way we have never resolved the real issues of race in this country today. Not only do we like being told lies as a nation, but we have lowered the standards of the progress we had made. We are now willing as a nation to revert back to the mindset of 60 years ago.

The narrative of this country’s history has been driven by a racist mindset, and the deception of a mask of “Christianity”. It has placed the White man above and over everyone else. It has perpetuated a superior over an inferior complex. It has said that everything white is good, pure, and perfect, and anything black/of color the exact opposite. This is proven in the pictures of Jesus (a Jew) being made in the image of a white man hanging in many churches today. No one has questioned it publically nor has it been an issue raised. This is simply because even “Christians” have chosen to live a lie. This is why in my opinion we could allow the election of one the most racist presidents in this century. Yes I said in the century because we have definitely had racist presidents before the true history proves that. Most people bought into the racist narrative being spread during the campaign. Most “Christian” evangelicals to be exact voted their race over their “faith”. This is exactly why the church is losing as a whole! We are non-effective today as a whole. There was one clear commandment that Christ gave us as believers in the New Testament and that was to love the Lord God with all you’re might and your neighbor as yourself!  Tell me what kind of nation would we be if we truly lived in this kind of truth? Tell me what kind of example would believers be if we lived this truth, and not the narrative that has been told and has affected the church today?


So, I ask you what does Independence Day in 2017 look like? I say we look like fools as a country to all other nations. I say we are living a lie and will reap what we have sown. I say it looks like all the festive fluff, but under the celebrations no substance. Sure the fireworks will proceed. We will eat BBQ and have fun with family, but the reality is after all the celebrations we will go back to a divided nation both politically and spiritually. Until we are willing to tell the truth of who our nation really is, and has become we are just living in falsehoods. Until we are willing to live, tell, and preach the truth we are just living a lie!  


I said I would refer to the discovery of America lie later in the blog, and the only point I will make now is that we can never get truth from a lie. We have been sold this lie about our supposed pioneer who was on his way to India and landed here is an already inhabited land. The reason he called the native people of the land Indians was because this dude thought he was in India. Hello people how can he discover a land, and name the people on the land Indians is it was discovered by him? We gotta stop living in the lies of old and make a choice to see what has really gone on. We additionally have to recognize that the reality of today’s racist uprising was never truly gone, it was just hidden. The bible says very clearly that every seed reproduces after its own kind. If we plan a lie the only thing that can be reproduced is a lie, and this is what America in 2017 is now living in, A LIE!


Today the millennial generation thinks we are all past race, and its horrible past in this country. We’re not! They have not been taught in school how this country’s past has affected today’s actions. They have not been taught about the contributions to this country in innovation, farming, war, and cotton which made this country a super power  by black folk, and how it helped Americas progress. They have not been taught about us being beat into work for no pay to then in 1860 be made to work for low pay in this country.  So, the lies about black people being lazy, on welfare, wanting handouts, ghetto and worthless continues by the one who has always told the narrative. However, factual data will tell you that there are more whites on welfare than blacks, the biggest beneficiary of affirmative actions is white women, and more whites have benefited from title 9and 10 then blacks in this country.  All of these things including disability rights derived from the civil rights movement in the 60’s which was led by black folks in this country. I ask you when have we been lazy.             


Additionally they have not been told the true stories of war in this country where black folks were treated unfairly because of their status in this country. They fought on the front lines for freedom that they could not experience afterwards for a country who could care less about them. They were not taught about the different benefits created for men of war for housing, and GI bills that were only given to white soldiers and not black ones which continued to keep us as a whole economically behind whites in this country. Finally they were not taught about the hell black soldiers endured while serving in our armed service’s including not being promoted to ranks they deserved, and worked hard to achieve. This is the true American history and what we celebrate today as our country’s “freedom” and “liberty”.  So, let’s remember this while eating, celebrating, and shooting fireworks.  


As a final thought I want to send a loud message to the church today in America. We cannot continue to loose people in the church by not telling the truth. Stop talking about blessing, cars, money, materialism, and prophecies if you can’t talk about the lies we are living in as a nation. Stop talking about how good God is if you are not living that life daily outside the walls of the church. Start telling the truth about who Christ really was and live like He did.  The first step is to take all the pictures of that white image off the church walls, doors, and any other place that represents the church, and teach the truth about Christ image in Revelation the first chapter. To many reading you may not understand why I keep bringing up the graven image that is contradictory to who Christ is described as being in the last book. It is simple when you have been oppressed and the oppressor is driving the narrative then things look a certain way. The narrative started off racist and has never stopped even into the church as a whole. That image was created by artist Michael Angelo and was not biblically correct, yet accepted by many to date. This is the simple reason why I keep bringing it up. We have to live in the truth in order to truly be set free!  This is why many people have left the church and refuse to continue the same old stuff.

In closing this blog I hope this has helped you the reader to understand some of the falsehoods we are celebrating today. Independence in America is not true for all men in this country. Black men and women are being killed at a rate unheard of today by cops as well as others. We are being threatened by white supremacist on a daily basis and actions following such threats in 2017. Muslims in this country are being killed as well as intimidated by an embolden people who got their permission from our current presidents hate speech during his run. Our oval office is led by white supremacy and decision makers who do not have this country’s best interest at hand. So today I challenge all who read to wake the help up, and see where we truly are as a nation. As a believer I must and do believe that God is in control. However, I also know that God is not, and never will be a dictator. America has been given exactly what it has asked for over the years, and today we asked for this lame presidency and all that comes with it. Sure I pray for my leaders, but only for God’s grace on them as they too will have to answer for every decision made just like everyone else. Galatian 6:7 is very true and we will all reap what we sew. So, if I have done nothing else I hope I have given you something to think about, and empowered you with a little understanding of our country’s history. There is so much out there to know, and ignorance in today’s age is truly a choice.


I will not be one of the people who continues to see thigs going wrong and not say something about it. To the believers out there that say let’s just pray about it stop it. That’s cute, but there needs to be some action after we pray. I don’t care about man’s opinions of me as I voice my own opinion. Thank God for the first amendment. I know the constitution very well, just wish it was written with pure intentions for all man in this country at the time.  Even today this is being challenged in every way possible to silence the truth. I challenge all who read to live, walk, and declare the truth!



True independence is not living a lie, but being fully aware of every circumstance that has brought you to where you are today.   

God bless you all!


As always have a great day!