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Destined For Greatness


Independence Day 2015

07/04/2015 01:35

Independence Day 2015!

As I sit here waiting for the clock to strike twelve to commemorate what is known as Independence Day in the great old USA.


I am perplexed by the level of disrespect, dishonor, and utter dismay of the words written in the constitution of the USA.     


Land of the free home of the brave it says somewhere on a paper to represent every man, woman, boy and girl; but I wonder what people are saying about the good old USA in the deepest parts of the world.  


his land is your land, this land is my land is a song I remember singing as a small black man in the making, but in 2015 I have come to realize this land truly is not made for you and me because those words were truly mistaken.


1776 is the Day we recognize as the birth of this country’s independence, but I think the history books should call it what it really is and that is the beginning of several attempts of genocidal extinction.


First the Native Americans and small pocks in blankets, oops did I not say Indians I forgot that is the story they fed us but when it comes to history not his story I’m not mistaken. 


Of course the “genius” who took credit for the discovery of a country that already existed could not call the people native because if so failure would have to be admitted.          


We celebrate a fool who thought he was going to India hints the word Indians   but really we should look at what happened when he landed on Plymouth Rock oops I mean all the dead Indians. 


Not long after they tried to take out the black men in service by injecting them with syphilis to continue the habits of genocide amongst people of color. 


So we have blankets for the Native American and then came the syphilis injections for African Americans. Wait, that’s not what we were called back then I’m sure it was between monkey and nigger to be exact.  


The cool reality is that they tried to take both races out but we are resilient and that’s fact.


Let me continue with my recollection of this country’s history. So if I’m not mistaken we have the emancipation proclamation which was signed in 1863 to abolished slavery?


If this is true why in the world was Dr. Martin Luther King marching 100 years later for what was supposed to have happen 100 years prior?


What history does not express was the complexity of Abraham Lincoln who was known in the white community at the time as a mixed man who had a heart for people of color, but a country who had him on puppet strings would never want the true roots revealed of his mother.  

We know the real reality is that he was very confused, inside he was mixed but being controlled by those strings however, let’s not forget he had slaves in his home and on each wing.


Certain things just don’t make sense like all the freedom we as a country was supposed to represent.


Economic freedoms for all man but the real reality was laws created to keep down the colored man.


Colored I do believe that is what they called us at that time, you know we have been many things, too many to remember because the powers that be always changed their minds. 

So let’s take a look at the billion dollar business of slavery post-civil war.


Lest examine how prosperous people of color were after all the free labor and skin beaten and torn.


Let’s celebrate all the advancing economically for the powers that be at the time.

 While the foot of the same people left minorities and even women behind. 

So can you believe it, it is the 1960’s already and black folks still aren’t free


We must admit that the words written in that emancipation were lies perpetrated by this country.

Wait a minute before I move on let be drop this bit of history not his story that will blow your mind.


You know that beautiful statue that is called liberty that is supposed to present the freedom for all mankind?


What if I told you that she once portrayed a woman who looked black, but the powers that be were not having that!


She was rejected and sent back for renovation and when she appeared she did not resemble the people, inscription, or the majority in this nation.  


“Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”

These are the words inscribed on lady liberty but I ask myself the question why does she not resemble the people the words are speaking about truly?

Why the rejection of the first model? Why the change? Why could it not have been kept? Perhaps it was a reminder of this country’s shame!

We don’t know why and we may never know for that reason why all the changes and rejections, but one thing is for sure and that is we saw this country’s continued oppression. 

So speaking of oppression let me get back to this history lesson.

Fast forward to the late 1960’s and the many people who died try to fight a battle that was supposedly solved in already according to written history.

Many marched and many died but what had our country learned many today still cry?

Not a lot I reply because indoctrinated ways don’t easily die!

Sure the appearance has changed but the heart is still dark and anyone who is enlighten can see it because they are heart smart.

We see with the third eye not the physical eye, we choose to be enlighten not deceived by historical lies.

Lies told and lies relived, lies covered up that surely time will reveal.    

Let’s fast forward to the present and all the racial tension that still exists. Hold on I thought we had a black president and all that was dismissed?

Dismissed is the right word because it has never been resolved.

So many are oblivious to the real realities of the racism that has evolved.

We can’t be over something that has never truly been addressed.

However, we can continue to suppress the feelings of those such actions have incessantly oppressed.


If we are not careful history will repeat itself, I once heard it quoted, and that could not be truer today as it appears we are looking in a glass reminder of old.


So in 2015 I ask you the listener are we anymore changed now then in our country’s past?


Have we truly over come as a nation or have we took a few steps back?


Are we really land of the free home of the brave?

Are we truly our brother’s keeper or is that just a cool thing to say?


Can we truthfully and honestly say as a nation that we love our fellow man with no malice in our hearts?


Or is there a there a harsh reality that we must face and that is believing the core of this country is still dark?


Not dark as in color but dark as in ignorant.


Not ignorant as in dub but ignorant by choice.


Not unintelligent because of a lack of education but unintelligent because of a lack of inspiration.


Uninspired to grow, uninspired to advance unmotivated to be different not willing to take a glance.


To take a glimpse at the past and see how much it is reflecting our present.


To see how much it is affecting our current and infecting our lively hood as a nation.


People we must wake up and smell the real reality of our falling nation. One nation no longer under God by choice with limited freedom and injustice for many.


We must wake up to the indoctrinated mindsets that are still treating people of color like slaves. 


We must be cognizant of the very real realities of injustices in the inner city.


We must say something must be wrong if people are willing to burn down everything around them to make a statement.


We can’t continue to call black people who demonstrate thugs and criminals but whites who murder in cold blood mentally ill.


We can no longer live in the reality of double standards, double talk and mental instability.


We must call a thing a thing and be willing to admit that it is what it is.  


So this 4th of July in 2015 I am looking at just a little bit differently, I am looking at all who I know love me and most importantly my family’s stability.


I am going to continue to educate the youth around me by and through mental simulation. 


I am not going to let them fall by the way side through broken and unchallenging education.


Instead I am going to encourage them to question everything and seek answers that they can’t see right away.


I am going to ask them to research everything they thought they knew and to learn something new every day. 


This may be too late for those set in their ways, but I will say it anyway to that generation with limited days you are never too old to change your ways.


So I will leave you with these questions to think about: What is independence, how does it look, and how does it look for those you think you know and understand? Is it all about fireworks or are you really paying attention to all the fire storms brewing in this country? Will you be an agent for change or will you continue to avoid the very necessary dialog that is so desperately needed for true and concrete change in this country?


As always God bless you all.

