Making a difference for all mankind by changing lives one person at a time!

Destined For Greatness


How to move forward

07/05/2012 15:31


Greetings all,
This week's encouragement is for those of us who have an issue with moving forward or on and bringing empty baggage with us.  Many times in our lives we are being moved towards a new situation, opportunity, or even a natural matriculation in life, and we miss it. So many times for whatever reason we feel the need to bring everyone around us with us and quite honestly they are not supposed to go with us. Now for some of you reading this message it will be a very hard pill to swallow but it must be said. I talk to a lot of young adults and I realize that many of them chose their inner circle very unwisely. The sad reality is that I see many adults do the same thing. In ministry I see and talk to many people who struggle with judging people’s motives, character, intentions, and finally their ability to be committed and loyal to those around them. 
WE MUST BE A CLEAR JUDGE OF THIS! With this being said I will let you know that many decisions that we make in life are a direct results of our rearing and the examples we have had. Our parents, teachers, mentors, coaches, preachers, and leaders that we’ve looked up to. They have molded our way of thinking!  We must cut through all the garbage and get to the core of who we are. Deal with all the issues so that we can move forward, and make our mark in this world.   
There are several things I want to focus on and encourage you in today.
Many of you have been given some type of vision or insight that you feel like you are moving toward.  This is great in many cases but you must be wise as to who you share this vision with. Everyone is not trying to go with you. They will talk it down, talk you down, try to talk you out of it and discourage you in this vision. Be wise, be determined, be ready to let some people go, and be strong enough to make that decision.       
In many situations we stunt our own growth by not moving forward because we want those around us to go with us. The hard reality in most cases is that they will never grow to where you are. This in most cases is by choice. In other cases they are afraid to grow, and finally sometimes they just don’t have the ability to grow. You must be willing to move on and forward, if not your own destiny will be aborted.  
In this life you must be driven by purpose. You must have that one thing in you that drives you to be and do the best that you can. If you are not driven by purpose they you are purposeless. A person who has no purpose typically has no passion. No purpose plus no passion leads to no particular place. You will look back at life and wonder why you did not go anywhere. Remember that like people attract so if you are attracting people who are not driven then you will quickly become like the company you keep. 
Prosperity is 3 fold (spiritually, mentally, and physically) and if you are not content in these three areas then you will not move forward as quickly as you would like. If there is no balance then you will be imbalanced. This is apparent and it affects you and those around you. One is not more important than the other one because they all have to be in tact in order for you to be stable.  These areas are very important to your matriculation in life. Keep the balance between all three areas and you will be on the right path much quicker than you think.
As a final thought remember that you are on a head on collision with destiny and if you allow people, situations, distractions, and even fear of success to stop you then your destiny will be aborted.   
Genesis 22:1-14 focus on verse 5
Exodus 14:15-16
Joshua 1:1-9
Psalms 119:1-3
Isaiah 43;1-28
John 5:8
2 Corinthians 5:1-21
Philippians 3:12-17
2 Timothy 3:16
1 John 1:1-10
Love ya D