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Destined For Greatness


How does the political environment affect you?

05/18/2016 01:31

How does the political environment affect you?

As a person?


As a person we will always see this whole process in different ways. As a black person I look at politics through the eyes of a Black man in this country. I consciously try to balance what is good for me as a person of color along with my own personal convictions. So many people try to tell me as a person of color who has dealt with the issues of race in many different situations that I should not focus on it as much, and I wouldn’t if I did not have to encounter it as often as I do. There is a real problem with race and the treatment of my folks and it simply is not being addressed as it should be. I have always been told and say pretty often don’t judge the shoes that another man walks in because you are not walking in them. So with this being said as a man living in this world, country, state, and city I vote according to what’s best for me and my family living in the areas that we live in. Nothing spiritual per say just being very knowledgeable of candidates and what they can do for me as a person living where I do.          

As a Believer?


So very clearly the bible tells me to pray for my leaders and I do that often. I would be lying if I told you that I have always agreed with those who have been in office over the years because I haven’t. As I have gotten older and increasingly more knowledgeable about how politics work I have seen many things that truly insult my intellect at times. The bible says to be wise as serpents yet harmless as doves and I am that to a tee. It’s so amazing and I spoke on this in another blog how uninformed people tell me to use my faith when I’m voting but not my discerning or wisdom that I have been given by God. I see what I see and when I see things that are not right I don’t ignore them according to my faith, that’s stupid to me. Not only as a believer am I looking at candidates but also the talk that comes out of “believers” during election times especially these as there is much tension in the air right now. I am hearing things that have nothing to do with faith, God, relationship with God or religion at all. What I am hearing is racial undertones, bigotry, and many other undertones that have nothing to do with my faith and I am now being made aware of where many people truly stand. The bible says that out of the abundance of a man’s heart he will speak (Proverbs 4:23, Luke 6:45), and a fool is quickly revealed by his or her words (Proverbs 18:2). So as a well informed individual that just so happens to be a believer I am watching very closely as people are making comments and suggestions that are contradictory to what they claim to stand for. The real reality is that the country has not properly dealt with this issue and neither has the church, and until we do we will continue to play the Christian/church/religion game while the problems continue. I as a person pay attention to all of these factors as I enter my place of worship as well as the voting box because they all come together in many ways whether we want to admit it or not.                     


As a Citizen?


This is also very controversial as I am one whose ancestors were brought over here and forced into a lifestyle that was less than human. I as an informed citizen realize that this country was not discovered by Columbus as they would have us believe in the- his story books. I have always said before my many years of deep studying of this country’s real history how can something that had people on it already be discoverable? Also if this is the case then the white explorers are immigrants like the rest of us. It amazes me how determined people who are now becoming the minority are fighting to call everyone else illegal when the original founding fathers where the first terrorists and committed terrorists acts on many people. I am not the smartest guy but neither am I the dumbest and as I read the constitution it clearly states that this country was founded for many people to enter and be free and experience liberty for all. Now I also know that this is far from what has happened to many people of color in this country even today in 2016 in the state of Mississippi where desegregation is still being fought today 62 years to the day of Brown vs. The Board of Education the Cleveland school district was told by the federal government to desegregate. Now this is simply crazy that we are still treating our citizens this way. So all of the talk of keeping people out or not allowing people in as if this country is full of people native of this country is unfathomable. It is simply the fear of a majority of people taking over. Now in no way am I saying we should over look illegals and their status but I am saying how hypocritical of us to point at people we allow in for our own benefits until it is no longer beneficial. One example as a former educator is letting kids in school with no legal documentation because the districts get paid for them being in the seats. Then at age 17 or 18 we take our resources to deport them because they are no longer a benefit to us???? This is one of many examples I can give as a citizen that simply makes no sense. I also look at this when I enter the box to vote.                   

As a member of this nation?   


As a member of this “great nation” I also look at how I as a person and my ancestors have been treated and still to this day are treated as I enter the voter’s box. Some how many people are under the delusion that we are a post racial society because of 8 years of a black president? Newsflash!!! We are not and couldn’t be more divided today as a country. In fact it has gotten worse since President Obama entered the White House, and this is why we see the rise of a very blatant sexist and racist. As a member of this nation I am embarrassed at how it has treated its members.  Our military vets, our homeless community, the poor, and so much more have been over looked for years. Under certain leadership we have gone into other countries ill-advised and destroyed their country when our own country has been a mess. We are now spending more money on efforts to repair a country we destroyed but those who were forced to fight in those “wars” aka (prideful men in power battles) are not even being properly taken care of in this country. We are still looking for weapons that never existed. When I go to the box and make my decisions I do so knowing that my vote counts and if it doesn’t get handled properly God is still ultimately in control, my trust in Him, and everyone reaps what they sew in this life. So although I am in this world I don’t completely put my trust in those in power. I go to the box remembering that as an African American my ancestors paid with their lives for the right to vote. I go to the box knowing this particular time around that the powers that be aka republicans who are now becoming the minority  in politics have completely gutted the voter’s rights act and have now made it harder for people who are poor to vote.   For those who don’t know what this is it is called voter suppression. Furthermore for those of you who think things are all equal maybe you didn’t know that the right to vote for minorities and women is conditional and voted upon every 25 years. So an already conditional act has now been gutted to take us back a half a century. So as a member of this nation I keep myself informed and feel like I have a duty to keep anyone who reads informed as well. I am diligent, proactive, informed and completely aware of all the devices that this nation tries to keep hidden. I try my best to make sure that I pray for my leaders and also keep myself aware of all political situations. That is not just presidential but also state and local as well. What many don’t realize is that many decisions made that impact us the most is on the local level and this is why you see things like Mississippi still segregated in 2016. This goes for Georgia as well who up to a few years ago in some parts of that state were having black proms and white proms separately. So as a member of this nation I do what I can and make sure I do, so I can’t complain about what I tolerate.

So a few of the main reasons why I wrote this blog are as follows; 1. It was heavily on my mind due to our current political climate. 2. Because so many are so ignorant to the current status of our country. It is sad that people from other countries are more aware of what is going on in America and we who live here are completely oblivious. 3. To encourage all who read to get out and vote and stop saying your vote doesn’t matter. God is sovereign but he is also in control don’t get it twisted. 4. Also to make people aware of how much we really have going on in our country and we can’t just turn our heads and act like things don’t exist. 5. To make those who read aware of just how true it is when we hear the statement that history repeats itself. History is repeating itself right before our very eyes and we walk around like it is not. Many issues including race, inequality, economical disparagement, and affirmative action which most don’t realize has not benefited statistically black folks although that’s what you hear. I could go on and on but I have already said a lot. Just know that knowledge is power and when we go around taking everyone else’s word for things we look foolish, are not utilizing our very friendly resources, are not doing our own homework, and keeping ourselves ignorant to factual data. What I have learned over the years with dealing with people and talking to people is that ignorance is a choice and many, many people choose to stay ignorant because it keeps them away from the painful truth. A few people, but not all would rather play the role of I did not know rather than face the real realities of what truly goes on in the country. I wish many of us who dealt with some very real issues could have just looked away or acted like things did not happen, but that simply was not a choice that many of us have had. We were forced to face the real truth and reality’s that were around us and either take it like wimps or face it head on, and many like myself have chosen to face it head on.  


So as always if I could leave you with anything to think about it would be to really look at what you can do as a productive person born in this country, residing in this country, or an active part of this whole political process. Do what you can to make a difference if not for now then for the future. It’s our individual responsibility to do so.


 As always have a great day and remember that you cannot complain about what you tolerate.

