Making a difference for all mankind by changing lives one person at a time!

Destined For Greatness



04/02/2017 10:13


I wanted to share some things about this saying that I felt came from the Lord to me a few weeks ago. It has taken some time with processing it all, but I am now ready to speak about this subject.  Here is what happened and what I feel like I need to share (this was between February and March 2017).

I literally watched over the past two days a young man transition from one life to the next. I got this saying, and was wondering what God wanted me to reveal to those I would come into contact with. I have been meditating on this for a while and even have placed it as my text signature. I started writing this blog a week ago and felt like I was release to finish today. What does from dust to destiny really and truly mean? How does this affect the lives of us here on earth? How can it help those who read this blog to have peace about their own individual destinies? Finally what happens when someone dies early, and how does this tie into destiny?   I will attempt to answer all of these questions in this blog.

If anyone reading does not understand creation, and how man came into being from a Theological perspective in itself then lets first explain the plight of man. We who are spiritual beings having a physical experience must understand that from our very inception God breathed the breath of life into us from dust (Genesis 2:7). We will also return to dust when we die and our physical bodies decay (Ecclesiastes 12:7), as our spirits live on. While we are on earth we have a purpose, and this is revealed as we live life. For some this is made clear really early, and for others they don’t know what their destiny is for a while or it comes much later in life. Either way we all have something that God has mandated for us to do. There are no parameters that can hold purpose or destiny in it must be fulfilled.  As I have gotten older I understand this more and more. Our purpose in many cases is aligned with our passions. Our passions are typically driven by our desires, and many of our desires, are from God. God gives us things in our hearts and minds that we typically will pursue throughout our lifetime and this is what helps to garner our destiny. 

What does from dust to destiny really and truly mean?

This saying reflects the plan of man from the time he enters this world to when he returns back to dust. We are all created by God with some type of purpose that we must serve while on earth. This is different for each one of us. God in His infinite wisdom not only gave us our own unique finger print, but also our own DNA. DNA stands for deoxyribonucleic acid, which is the molecule that carries genetic information in humans and all other living organisms. Deoxyribonucleic acid is composed of four chemical bases: adenine, guanine, cytosine and thymine. The sequence of these bases within DNA encodes genetic information. This information has been studied by scientist, but even science has to bow to the true and living God, because they can’t truly figure out the intricacies of life and us as living beings. So in the simplest of terms what I mean when I say from dust to destiny I mean what happens from birth to death, and everything in between.    

How does this affect the lives of us here on earth?

When one looks at life for what it really is then it makes our transition while on earth much easier to navigate. I have for as long as I can remember always looked at life as part of our destiny. I was challenged in several ways growing up and I have come to understand that it was part of my destiny to go through what I have gone through. The way that this understanding becomes much more effective is realizing that as we go through life’s challenges we are now an expert on that particular challenge or trial. We are also now a living testimony to others who may need our help when they are challenged in that same area. Additionally when we go through life we gain wisdom because the knowledge we did not have at one time is now a part of us. If I could explain it in this way; we are on a road map that leads us directly to our destiny. Our roads all look different, but they ultimately end up at the same destination called destiny.  So this effects our lives in that we gain understanding as we live life. There is an old saying; “As we grow older we grow wiser!” However, and unfortunately not everyone grows wiser. One should gain more than white hair as they get older in this life.                

How can it help those who read this blog to have peace about their own individual destinies?

My goal in writing this blog is to give the reader a better way to deal with death and also destiny. We as human being grapple with death and try to figure out why it happens. When one understands that we are born to die then it makes it a little clearer about our purpose and it being served while on this earth. The bible says to live each day as if it is your last (Jeremiah 1:4-10) so, while having this in mind one must be wise as to what choices they make in order to not leave this earth earlier. At this place is where it gets kind of confusing, and I will attempt to explain this.  So only God knows the future so when we see people die early and without any type of explanation we say they were taken, gone too soon, or stolen from us just to name a few. The real reality is that God knows all, but we don’t so, when we don’t get it we have to trust that God has it under control, and we must trust His infinite wisdom. This is where a lot of people lose faith and blame God for all the tragic situations that occur in life. I have heard people blame God for unexpected death, bad weather, and many other tragic situations without really understanding that the One who gave us life is not into taking our lives tragically. Sure He allows it because we all have free will which comes with free choices that are not always wise ones. This in many cases leads to untimely situations that are hard to cope with. As it pertains to the things that happens on this earth; theologically speaking when Adam gave up his authority on this earth Satan was given rein. What does this mean one may ask? Simply put that the one who steals, kills, and destroys life (John10:10) has and assignment to take out people prematurely in many ways. Once again this can become confusing if you try to understand it with your natural way of thinking. Just know that for every unwise choice we make there are powers at work that want to take advantage of our unwise decisions with the ultimate goal of killing us. This could be in us eating too much , or the wrong foods, smoking, drinking too much, drinking and driving, stress, living unhealthy, having unhealthy relationships, sexual perversion,  unmoral acts,  sewing bad seeds such as: discord, evil actions towards your fellow mankind, harboring hatred, jealousy, un-forgiveness towards people, and having no moral compass. These are all choices that we can choose to make, but remember for every choice there is a consequence. Our choices in this life can make or break us. This is why I say to always listen to your heart, because it is the epicenter of Gods voice to us (His creation). Please remember that we don’t have a bipolar Creator who loves you at one point then hates you at the drop of a dime. This is simply counterintuitive to who God is. This is also just another attempt by those who think they can figure God out trying to define Him without true knowledge of who He is.                              

Finally; what happens when someone dies early, and how does this tie into destiny?  

As I just explained in detail we as humans try to figure out how to make sense of death weather early, tragic, or at all. The way I have received ones death over the years is to simply trust that God knows better than I do. Not only have I done this with death, but also when it comes to destiny, and how/why things happen. I wish I had some magic answer that would help people to cope with life’s tragedies, but all I have is experience, wisdom, and Gods comforting voice throughout times of challenge in my own life. The one thing that you can bet on in this is that we will all die someday, and this is why we should live life daily as if we won’t see tomorrow. Additionally we should live life knowing that our journey can bless someone who may need us. Finally we should live life trying to bring glory to the creator of life who has gifted us all with talents and purpose for living. Please don’t give satan any room to snuff your life away before what we as humans deem too early.

To the millennial readers out there I am destined to lead you all to the truth you are seeking. I have tried to go other places as it pertains to my own destiny, but somehow I end up right back at your door steps. I have a mandate from God to lead you by my own example. This is not easy as I am as human as the rest, and will always be imperfect, but it will not stop me from being the best example I know how to be. As a representative of God it troubles me to see the church run from you while at the same time shoving old, dead, religion at you like you are buying it. I know that you are seeking truth as I was at one time. I will not continue to let those who misrepresent God show you a bunch of junk that God simply is not a part of. God is love and he is our Father who wants your hearts. He will never make anyone serve Him, but is always standing there with open arms to receive His own. Yes, we are His own creation Created after His Image and likeness (Genesis 1:26). Just know that I am here to be the ear you need to listen, the hand you need to help you along the way, and the conduit to God’s perfect love.           

I hope this helped you to understand life’s purpose. God knows I don’t have all the answers to why things happened the way that they do, but as life has thrown devastating blows towards me my experience has become my strength. It has increased my faith, and given me clarity that I really don’t know as much as I think I do. I only know what I know and God leads me the rest of the way. I encourage you to let Him do the same with you in your individual lives.   #FromDusttoDestiny! 

As always have a great day!