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Destined For Greatness


Don't be PC

11/15/2014 12:16

Don’t be PC!

So maybe it’s me and I’m just too out spoken but it really bothers me how Pc people are at times. So if you are like what is Pc it is Politically Correct. Now what this means is we should know how and when to say what to say. First off I think we should always speak truth and be truthful. Second who said that it is a certain time to say what? Lastly who said certain things shouldn’t be mentioned at certain times? Now with this I’m not saying be untactful with your comments or insensitive but I am saying be real! What I have found is that people are just plain phony. Now maybe this is my California experience or maybe this is the way our world has involved but people are now hiding behind this whole PC thing. I grew up in the Midwest where you said what you mean and meant what you said so it’s a little hard to deal with people who are quiet when they need to be vocal in my opinion. In my experience these same “quiet people” are the ones who talk behind others backs.

 So some might be asking why I am speaking about this and the simple answer is I want to challenge all who read this blog to be real! Be truthful and be courageous enough to speak your mind without fear of what someone will think about you afterwards. There is nothing wrong with speaking your mind on or about a subject. There will never be anything wrong with speaking the truth and honesty still is the best policy. What has happened in my opinion is that people are not willing to tell the truth anymore because it may hurt someone’s feelings. In addition to this we have become a society that can’t handle the truth so we allow others to lie to us. This is simply wrong. Also what has happened is people try to avoid confrontation by saying that certain things shouldn’t be spoken about at certain times. Once again this is non-sense to me. We should be able to talk about anything at any time with anyone.   

 So let’s talk about religion and politics; who said this shouldn’t be talked about at work or at the dinner table? Where did this rule come from? Is it certain demographics, ethnicities, political affiliations, or a certain group of people? Who knows but it seems to be the unspoken rule that people are ok with when it is convenient to not talk about certain things. As a person with a relationship with God I am very outspoken but not invasive with my opinion but yet am invaded with things that I don’t necessarily agree with or want to hear. What’s crazy is the same people who don’t respect my opinion are very opinionated and invasive with their thoughts on topics like religion and politics, however when you respond to their comments all of a sudden they are not confrontational and don’t want to argue. Hum….. yeah whatever nuts to that! I will speak my opinion and thoughts when it is time to do so. I won’t wait like a lot of people until later when it becomes too late or not important. I feel like people should be more upfront and back up with they truly feel or think about a subject or situation. So this is my motivational speech to any of you out there who tent to take the path of least resistance because someone told you that it wasn’t ok to speak your mind or there is a certain time to say certin thigs about certain subjects. Miss me with that! We should be able to speak our minds so that we have a peace of mind. I will never be one who feels like I didn’t say what I wanted to say in a certain situation and neither should any of you reading this blog.

My challenge to all who read is get away from this mindset that says you have to say or not say certain things at a certain time. Speak your mind whenever you have the opportunity. Find times to brignup certain topics even if they are the controversial ones because they need to be discussed. One of the main reasons we have so much conflict in this world is because we go around with so much assumption and false information because we can’t ever seem to discuss things. We assume one may think or be a certain way without information to back such assumptions. WE have evolved to this informational society with less and less verbal communication but yet think we are smarter because of this information. This simply is not the truth and we need to go back and cover some very basic communication skills that have never been mastered. How can we say we are on the same page when for so long in this country people were not allowed to speak their opinion but people in this country feel like it should just be moved on and not spoken about. All this has done is created more contention and whenever the truth comes out it is mistaken as anger or aggression when it is being real and truthful. This is why I say once again speak freely whenever you can and this mistaken aggression becomes every day opinions. So don’t be afraid any longer to speak your opinion and mind because it is the right thing to do. Don’t fall into this PC junk that kidnaps your speech and promotes non communication. Don’t let people silence you with saying it’s not PC to say something at a certain time. This is the kind of nonsense that has gotten us to this place we are today and can’t properly communicate. We don’t understand why someone may speak their opinion without taken it personally when it is simply an opinion. This is because we have misused the term PC and allowed it to be the silencer of our thoughts. No more people! Say what you mean and mean what you say!

As a final thought primarily to the young people who read this blog stop hiding behind texts. Be man and woman enough to verbalize important thoughts. Stop using texts instead of proper verbal communication we don’t live in an electronic device we are real people with real thoughts and opinions that can be misread through a text. So let’s get back to real talking every now and again young folks it is very helpful to and for your future. I am not knocking texting because I text but I am knocking using it as the only form of communicating with others.

As always be blessed and have a great day!