Making a difference for all mankind by changing lives one person at a time!

Destined For Greatness


Do unto others!

03/21/2016 21:21

Do unto others!

So right off this sounds very biblical and to a certain extent I am saying this from a biblical perspective. The idea of doing to people what you expect back is something that is lost and has been for a long time now. In a society and generation that carries an all about me mentality it’s kind of hard to expect people to think about others. I was at a store just a few days ago and I was not charged for an item and the lady was surprised when I said something about the mistake. She then thanked me, and told me how nice it was of me to be honest. Now for me it’s not a second thought for me to be honest because I understand Karma, the first law of motion or good old reaping and sewing. Not to mention I was raised to be honest. The real reality is that if this lady’s register had come up short at the end of her shift then she could get in trouble for that. I did not want her to get into trouble because I would not want to get in trouble for someone not being honest.


            Doing to others what you expect can go along way in this sometimes cold and heartless world. For me to say that the entire world is this way or all people are selfish would simply not be the truth. This world would and could be a much better place if people took the time to think about others in the different decisions that they make on a daily basis. There is no better feeling to me than making someone’s day by simply doing something that I know that I would want someone to do for me. One of the small things that I do and often watch it come back to me is when I am grocery shopping and I only have a few items and people allow me to go ahead of them if they more items. I return this favor all the time because a little goes a long way.


               Living in California often times is a challenge as people are very rude and selfish most of the time. So I try my best to always speak when I know in most cases people won’t speak back. If you are wondering why I do this, the answer is pretty clear and that is because I do what I want to be done for me not what they would do in most cases. I also notice that in most cases here that people in some of the most fake ways ask how you are but don’t really care how you are as they walk away before you can answer. So I make sure to stop and give people my undivided attention when I ask how they are.


            Another thing that goes a long way is a smile. I try to always smile because I know it takes more muscles to frown than to smile. I do this also because you never know when someone may need it. I think kind gestures like smile is so infectious. A little thing like a head nod or simply acknowledging some one’s presence can go so far. So never negate the opportunity to be the one to make someone’s day.


            I wrote a blog last year where I was challenging people to look up from their electronic devices so they could actually be in tune with the world. I want to reiterate that today because you can’t make small gestures for others if you are all about yourself. I challenge all who read to take the time at least once or twice a day to actually be in touch and aware of your surroundings. I encourage you to do something for someone else not only because you wantthat favor returned but because it is just a nice thing to do.  Be the change you want to see is something I hear a lot and I now say this to you who read. Dare to be different while releasing positive vibes out into our atmosphere. Allow the endorphins God gave us to be stimulated as we were created to release them to others. Finally do this because you never know when you may makes some’s day.


I will leave you with this story someone told me the other day; I was told this story about this young man who felt like he had no reason to live. He had been having trouble with his wife and finally she told him that she did not want to be with him anymore. From what was told me she did this in a very nasty way and the man was destroyed inside. No matter what he did she was done! The person telling me the story said he tried to encourage the guy to pick himself up and it just did not work. Days went by and the person telling me the story said that someone was talking to him and was using past tense about this particular man like he was no longer here and finally he asked what was up with the man. He was told that this man took his life by jumping in front of a moving train here called the sprinter. Now what was crazy about this was I remembered hearing about his story and thinking to myself what would have to be going through someone’s mind in order for them to do something like this. So when I was listening to this story I was brought back to that thought I had when it happened and once again I said to myself; “man that has to be lonely place!”  I leave you the reader with this story because I really want you to stop and think about what a little kind gesture could do for someone in this type of situation.  Please don’t take life, people, or even an opportunity to be good for granted.

As always have a great day!