Making a difference for all mankind by changing lives one person at a time!

Destined For Greatness



11/03/2012 22:19



Today I see so many people who do not commit. So the questions I pose to those who read this blog is can you commit? Do you have an issue committing to somethings? Are you won who will say that you will do something and later renege from that commitment? Are you one who will say yes before you think and very easily pull out of that thing you said yes to? Finally are you one who will start something and then without any notice quit?

Unfortunately I see this all the time. It is a very poor quality that can be attributed to one’s character. So many people around are so use to being this way. It is very troubling to me how people’s words don’t mean anything now days. People are not willing to stick things out. True commitment is doing something because you said you would. True commitment is sticking something out even when you don’t like it, because you said you would. We need more people who will be men and women of integrity and honor. We need people who will commit to what they said they would. We need people to realize that character is molded and shaped by the things we hold dear. True commitment was shown through Christ’s sacrifice. God told us He would send a Savior and he did. He told us that he had a plan for redemption and He stuck to it. So let’s mimic God’s character and word. He said He’d save us and He did.

My challenge…

  1. Began to stick to your commitments.
  2. Be a man or women of your word when you say you will do something then do it.
  3. Don’t over commit, people do things because they feel pressured to do so and this makes them look bad when they can’t stick to it.
  4. Don’t ever put your name or word out there unless you plan to follow through.
  5. Don’t let society be your standard if people can’t stick to their words don’t use them as the standard to which you balance yourself with.

Commitment is not a bad thing it is one that will build your character and cause you to be someone people can consider trustworthy and reliable.


God bless ou all,