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Destined For Greatness


Born to die!

11/29/2015 16:51

Born to die!

 As always I am writing out of my very real situations. I recently loosed a loved one whom I lived a lot and will miss, but realize we are all destined to see this say as human beings. A very real and sobering statement is “we were born to die!” The very reality is that this is very true and when we entered this earth we were all on our own individual journey’s that ultimately will end in death of some sort. I have come to grips with this very real understanding of death being inevitable and are no longer afraid to leave this earth for what I know in my heart is a better place for me to continue living. I believe the biggest fear in many people is dying, but we don’t die we go from life to life in what I have come to understand. I am writing this to encourage anyone who may be afraid to leave this earth and live with a constant fear or anxiety about death or dying.


             As a man of conviction and strong faith in God I understand the difference between true relationship with God vs religion. I feel it necessary to encourage all who read to really come to the truth of who God is for you as individuals. We have been sold a bunch of non-sense when it comes to who God is and what it truly means to have a horizontal understanding of our creator. I tell people all the time religion is the fake representation of who God is and what He despises the most. Religion takes God and complicates Him into this complex entity that is misunderstood, misrepresented, confusing, irrational, and incomprehensible. Religion attempts to define God while putting Him in this box that they control with ideologies, concepts, and theories. This is simply non-sense and God will NEVER be diminished to the ideals of man who is human, natural, and mortal. So with all of this being said this thing called life was equipped with this thing called death and it is up to us to come to the realization of this very real part of life. Religion has tried to make all of these consolations to death by trying to explain it out in many theories, but death is real and the creator of man will visit all of His creation. Biblically speaking the bible says to be absent from the body (death) is to be present with the Lord (2 Corinthians 5:8), and for me this means we immediately meet our creator in death. No waiting, no holding pattern, no place we get to chill and hang out in but an instant understanding of the next life. Like I stated earlier is we go from life to life. Death seems so final and it’s because we leave this human life form but return to our spiritual origins. We were created after Gods image and likeness (Genesis 1:26) and we will never be physical beings having a spiritual experience it is completely the opposite.   


             So as I have given my perspective of death from my spiritual understanding my goal is not to convince anyone to think the way that I do but to get you the reader to come to a real understanding of death. I know many people reading are truly afraid of death and are also tormented by the realities of death but death has no sting anymore. It is not to be feared but understood. We have to solidify our understanding of who our creator is and settle the issue of our faith in God. Once we do this then death has no more control over us in any way. We can embrace death as it comes understanding that we really and truly don’t die but we live on in a different form. Death in the natural is life I the spirit. To lose a loved one is to look forward to seeing them in the next life. To hold on to the reality of this physical life is to deny life after this one. So when we experience death and attempt to hold on to loved ones who are at the corridor of their exit remember that they are transitioning from life to life and that we all have this path to follow. So I encourage all who read to no longer be paralyzed by the fear of our next appointment with life.      


 So if I were to leave you with any thig it would be to walk n confidence of the true and living Gods existence. To solidify who you are in God and to embrace the truth of God. When this is done there is no more fear of death because you have embraced the full meaning of life. So from this day forward don’t fall into the hype of death being a tragedy, travesty, or a traumatic experience even if the cause of death was. Remember it is our one on one appointment with our creator.     


 As always have a good day!


 God bless you all.