Making a difference for all mankind by changing lives one person at a time!

Destined For Greatness


Beware of the company you keep!

04/01/2017 22:11

Beware of who you spend time with because they may draw certain activity to you.

This is a subject that I have visited over and over again through the years in my own personal life. I wanted to help anyone who may not understand why things occur in life that can’t always be explained. Just recently this past week this very subject came to a real reality when I was forced to make a decision that affected a young person’s life and future. They were unaware that because of the company the kept it led them down a negative path, and they had severe consequences as a result.   


Beware of the company you keep because you never know what you are allowing into your life and destiny. There are so many different sayings that people live and die by such as; “you can draw negative or positive energy to you”, “birds of a feather flock together”, “the law of attraction”, and many more. All of these different sayings are true in a plethora of ways. We as mankind were created with endorphins that have us longing for company and or companionship.  Additionally we as Gods creation were created with a void that only Gods love can fill. With this being said we go through life trying to find ways to fulfill these different needs. Unfortunately we do this in ways that allow negative people and energy towards you. This can have very severe consequences if you are not careful.  It is very important that you evaluate the people you spend time with weather casually, or on a regular basis. I have seen situations where because of being with the wrong people in the wrong places things have occurred that could have been prevented. I have experienced this myself, and it took a while before I realized that I needed to make some changes in the company I was keeping.   


In life you will run into many people who are pleasant to be around, peaceful, kind hearted, and just overall great people. On the contrary there are people out there that just have a bad vibe about them for the lack of a better way to express it. When you come across this type of person you need to follow your instincts and keep them at arms- length. Do not allow them into your comfort Zone as your instincts, gut, Holy Spirit is letting you know in advance that something is off. We all have this instinct as we were created with this ability from God Himself. I tell people all the time to listen to their heart as it will never lie to us. I also explain that it is our epicenter for clear communication with God. So, please pay attention to your inner self as it is always right.


The exact opposite can occur with people of good nature and a positive way about them. Typically if we are positive people we will draw the same types of people to ourselves. With this being said there is always that opportunity for the negative situations to arise while we are not as aware as we should be. Always be alert and aware of these opportunities to come at you. In 2017 when we have negativity all around us and unfortunately coming directly from our leadership we have to remain focused and alert. The greatest part of keeping people around us is being aware of who is quickly revealed through their actions, attitude, and most importantly their speech. Pay very close attention to what people say because people will quickly reveal who they are by what they say. This puts us in a position to alleviate their company and move on with those of like vibe.


I just wanted to be that voice of reason to those reading because sometimes we find ourselves lost and not really understanding why certain thigs are happening. If you find that negative things are continuing around you then most likely it is the company you are keeping. You can only truly go as far as those around you will allow. If you walk around with negative people around you then your outlook on thigs will be negative. Even within your own self-perception if you see your life a certain way then you will only go as far as you envision yourself to go.  Finally you are only as strong as your last confession of, and over yourself so, be very careful what you profess over your lives and future.  


Positivity attracts more positivity while negativity does the exact opposite.


 Hope this helps to be very conscious of the company you choose to keep.   


 Have a great day!