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Destined For Greatness


Be Grateful

03/21/2016 22:18

Be grateful!

This blog goes out to someone really close to me who is facing challenging times!


 I wanted to write about being grateful because in a lot of cases it’s hard for people to be grateful.  I want to challenge anyone who is reading to remember there is so much in life to be grateful for. Life, breath, the ability to walk, talk, see, hear, and so many other things we take for granted on a day to day basis. The very fact that you are able to read this blog is a blessing in itself. There are people out there like me who have visual issues that prevents them from being able to see freely. To someone reading you may be in a situation where life is tough, you have bills you can’t pay, you are finding it hard to feed your family, or even unable to afford grocery’s , gas, insurance and many other things. What I want to remind you in this very temporary situation is that tomorrow is a new day and you will overcome. Please don’t forget that life is always about perspective and when you are looking at what you can’t do remember what you have been able to do in the past. I always say never make a permanent decision in a temporary situation.  In doing this you have to remember that if you can’t afford to pay your household bills remember that you have a home when people are homeless.  When people are struggling to get around you have a car. When people are dealing with food in securities you have food on your table although it may not be what you would desire because times are rough you still have food.


            It is so easy to complain about many things when life gets tough but please remember that complaining doesn’t make the situation goa way. There is a saying that you complained about not having shoes until you met someone without feet. It is all about perspective and we have a duty to keep it straight! Gratefulness is a choice we make every day because it is an attitude that we choose to walk in daily.  

                If I were to leave you with something to meditate on it would be the good things in life. It would be all of the things God has brought you through by His grace. It would be the many successes both big and small. It would be the victories both great and small. It would be the many situations you can look back on and realize that you could have been in a different place, situation and or not be here at all. Don’t negate the opportunity to stop and realize that your situation could be much worse. If you have breath in your body, you don’t have a debilitating disorder, you don’t have a terminal disease, your family is healthy, and life could be worse then you are doing alright!    


To those of you who are simply not willing to stand up and fight then this is for you; grow up, stand up, and take charge of your life because no one will fight for you but you. I pray God grant you wisdom and the ability to see yourself through the eyes of faith as an overcomer!


As always have a great day but most importantly be strong and count your many blessings as I’m sure that if you took the time to count them all you would realize just how blessed you really are.

