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Destined For Greatness


Are YOu...

09/03/2016 14:20

Are you …

Conscious? Confused? Complacent? or Content?


So it’s been a while since I blogged and I apologize for that, but I am a firm believer that all things happen when and why they are supposed to. So with that being said I have been really meditating on what to say and what to address. I am a person who is very in tune with not only my conscious side but everything around me as well. Also as a man of faith I choose to be relevant not a by stander. I ask the above questions because we are either one or the other in many cases. Now I don’t want to limit anyone who reads into only being one or the other but this is just my view on what I see today in our very real times.


So I asked if you were Conscious? Confused? Complacent? Or Content? So let’s look at them all and you as the reader can assess where you are as it pertains to today’s issues.


The first one was conscious, definition; aware of and responding to one's surroundings; awake.

Synonyms: aware, awake, alert, responsive, sentient, comps, and mentis 


Having knowledge of something; aware.

Painfully aware of, sensitive to.


The second one is confused, the definition; (of a person) unable to think clearly; bewildered.


demented, bewildered, muddledaddled, befuddled, disoriented,

Showing bewilderment.

Not in possession of all one's mental faculties, especially because of old age.


The third one is complacent, definition; showing smug or uncritical satisfaction with oneself or one's achievements.

"You can't afford to be complacent about security"


smugself-satisfied, self-congratulatory, self-regarding, conceited;


The last one is content, definition; in a state of peaceful happiness.


contentedsatisfiedpleased, gratified, fulfilledhappycheerfulglad;


So as I very strategically defined these words I not only wanted you as the reader to look at these definition, but to also self-assess where you are as the reader. Ask yourself are you one or more of these definitions as it pertains to the state of our world today. More importantly and specifically as it pertains to the United States of America. I am one who chooses to be conscious as an American I honestly have had no choice in the matter. What I mean is even if I wanted to remain ignorant of all the very real issues that plague our country and has for years I could not be a bi stander in this at all. I have been forced to be a victim of such issues that plague us. I have many experiences that I can talk about but for the sake of not keeping you here all day I will just tell you a few examples of why I have had to be conscious out of all the definitions above.  I have been harassed by police; while walking down the street, while in a car, while at the mall, while at stores, while at restaurants, while at a gas station, and much more…  I have been mistreated on my job by both employers and employees. I have been discriminated against in many situations for both being black and disabled. I have been falsely accused of a crime and been in jail for it. I can go on but understand this is why I have had no choice but to be conscious.          

As it relates to the state of our country today I challenge anyone reading to not only check yourself but to also check out what is happening all around you. If you feel confused ask someone to help you become enlightened.  If you have found yourself complacent challenge yourself to not be, and if this helps put yourself in the shoes of someone who is not doing so well in this country. Finally if you find yourself content then; (forgive the way I say this) but you need to “wake the hell up!” there is no way that in these very hostile, uncertain, uncomfortable, and even unpleasant times that anyone should be content. If you are then you are either; disconnected, selfish, or not living in the real reality of where we are as a nation. We are living in some messed up times right now and it is very apparent in the candidates we have to choose from this year. That’s just one of many reasons why we are where we are as a nation.


I have stated this in previous blogs before and will say this once again now, America must reap what it has sown. America has a horrible past that it has tried to over-look, bypass, comb over, erase out of history, hide, discredit,  and run away from for years now, but as you can see it is quickly catching up with us like a tired runner on the final stretch of a race  being pursued by a confident runner in pursuit of victory.  This is where America is as a whole. We are running out of time and unless things come together we will face some crazy times here really soon.


So if I may leave you as the reader with anything it would be to strongly consider where you stand as it relates to this country’s past, present, and future. Are you willing to face what has happened in the past to bring us to this place today? Are you strong, bold, and or brave enough to tackle these issues in the present? Finally are you going to just stand by and do nothing which will most assuredly solidify this country’s future?  I urge you to really consider where you are as an individual. There is a saying that I heard coming up and it says; “united we stand, but divided we fall!”  I heard this as a child and it mainly was related to the inner city community at the time, but today as an American I think this is also what must happen in order for us to see change. This starts with us individually though. So determine if you are conscious, confused, complacent, or content? Only you as the individual can determine this!


Remember that ignorance is a choice however, enlightenment is powerful!


As always have a great day!