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Destined For Greatness


A nation that prays

12/14/2012 14:26

A Nation That Prays


In light of what happened in Connecticut I wanted to talk about prayer and how it is as important to our lives as people of faith. Now when I say people of faith this is not limited to Christianity. All mankind was created to give praise and worship to the one and living God. It is so pivotal that we pray for our nation. This nation that was created one nation under God has become a nation who wants nothing to do with God unless something tragic happens. I encourage all who read this blog to not be reactive in life but proactive. We should not wait until something tragic happens before we realize the need for prayer, not only the need for prayer but the need to care about others. The bible says a house divided against itself cannot stand and this is true for our nation. Yes we are divided in so many ways but it is up to those of us who know God to represent Him in this earth. We must be bold no matter how much reticule or opposition we receive. We must be like Jesus was on the earth and go against all that represents a misconstrued system. The bible is clear when it says we are to be in the world but not of the world and this is what we must understand in order to be bold in this walk. I encourage everyone to be one who prays for each other and regards other before you. Before we read tragic stories or see horrific stories on the latest news story let’s get on our knees, face, or in a humble place and ask God to return this nation back to one who recognizes God as the head of this nation. Yes people have a right to freedom of religion and that is ok but we should be a nation that recognizes God. To those who don’t want to do so that is their choice. My obligation as a man of God is to encourage all to return to that place of humility where God is the head. In 2 Chronicles 7:14 it says;

 Amplified Bible (AMP)

14 If My people, who are called by My name, shall humble themselves, pray, seek, crave, and require of necessity My face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven, forgive their sin, and heal their land.

This land is sick because of sin and it needs desperately to be healed. So I encourage us to return to that mind, heart, and action of seeking God for the healing of our nation.

This world is hurting badly and we need healing to come quicly. This only going to come through humilityand those who won’t humble themselves voluntarily will fall hard. I wish it were not so but it is inevitable. So let’s get to the business of praying and saying very little because actions speak louder than words.            

God bless you all.