Making a difference for all mankind by changing lives one person at a time!

Destined For Greatness



This blog spot was designed to be a place where people can come to receive encouragement as, inspiration and leave with hope.  DFG aims to be a place where people can come, read, and also comment on this blog. In addition to this we want people to write things that they feel are pertinent to the subject. Finally we want this to be a place where people can leave comments that will bless the readers and members of the blog. We value your opinion so please feel free to give feedback on any of the blogs   


Sincerely, DFG writing Staff.

Please take the time to become familiar  with our site. The tags you see directly under this space are all our subjects addressed randomly. If you continue down you will see all blogs in oder by date from the most current to those writen priviously.    


Don't be so quick to get out of your current situation because you might miss the lesson God is trying to teach you while you are in it.   In many instances in my life I have been so frustrated with everyday trials. I have searched endlessly for way to get out of what ever the challenges...
You can't be a son and a bastard at the same time! We are sons of God not orphans so stop living like God is a bad foster parent instead of a loving daddy! Religion has given god such a bad name because of its portrayal of who God is. Religion took the relationship that God wanted to have with...


09/16/2014 00:00
I thought I would give all you bloggers a sneak peak of one of the quotes in my new book soon to bwe released called Pocket Knowledge.    NO MORE BOXES! We wake up in a box! We clean up in a box!  We look in a box to prepare ourselves for the day!  We eat in a box!...

Give me time to grieve

06/08/2014 23:09
Give me time to grieve!  Have you ever faced a tragic time in your life that really devastated you? Has someone violated you in such away that it left you completely empty and venerable? Has someone close to you died and it has left you empty and hopeless? Have you been lied on or...

keep it real people!

06/08/2014 23:06
Keep it real people!   So as always I am writing out of just good old life and the situations that they bring my way.  As a writer I go places in my head that the average person may not go. I am sure anyone who writes can agree that our minds go very deep and sometimes dark. So with...

have you ever?...

05/22/2014 17:24
 Have you ever?..... Done something that you knew in your heart was wrong? Have you ever gave someone your word and then didn’t come through? Have you ever saw someone being mistreated and didn’t standup for them? Have you ever said yes to something but then said no later after you...

Communication is key

05/13/2014 00:05
Communication is a must! As of late I have been progressively frustrated with the way technology has advanced. We are becoming a communication less society. There is nothing worse to me then people wanting to have a full conversation via text. What the world! No I don’t want to try and figure...

No longer an orphan

05/12/2014 23:00
Don’t be a marshmallow So for some time now it has really bothered me that people choose to be very phony and shallow. I think It is really ridiculous when people would rather be fake then real with who they are and what they stand for. To me a person with character and integrity never negates...

Don't be a marshmallow

05/12/2014 22:52
Don’t be a marshmallow So for some time now it has really bothered me that people choose to be very phony and shallow. I think It is really ridiculous when people would rather be fake then real with who they are and what they stand for. To me a person with character and integrity never negates...

What is really going on?

05/12/2014 22:39
What is really going on?   Have you ever asked this question while facing very troubling times? Has it ever been so tough that you ask yourself what is really going on? I have asked this question many, numerous times and have in many cases not gotten any immediate answers. I wanted to...
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